homeless vigil cancelled, energy security event, cbc doc

angela bischoff greenspi at web.ca
Mon Jun 18 16:02:35 EDT 2007

I just heard word that the camp-out at Nathan Phillips Square tonight
organized by OCAP has been cancelled temporarily. Stay tuned for the
rescheduling of this event. http://www.ocap.ca/


Why is U.S. Energy Security Canada's problem?

Speaker: Gordon Laxer (Professor, Director, Parkland Institute, Alberta)

Date: Tuesday June 19, 2007
Time: 8:00 P.M.
Location: Toronto City Hall, Committee Room #2

Did you know?

* Ontario imports almost half its oil from the world market, and Quebec
imports over 90%?
* Canada has no oil reserve and the National Energy Board has no emergency
* Canada's energy cannot go to Canadians first in times of scarcity?
* If you'd like to find out why, and what we can do about it, come and
hear Gordon Laxer from Alberta's Parkland Institute discuss energy
secuirty in Canada and Ontario, and why the Conservatives tried to shut
him up!

Read Laxer's op-ed in the Globe and Mail (28 May 2007): Easterners could
freeze in the dark (for more information, and to read the article:

This event is sponsored by:

The Coalition for a Green Economy
Post Carbon Toronto
Green Enterprise Toronto
Parkland Institute

The Energy Security in Ontario & Canada evening with Gordon Laxer is at 8
p.m. the 19th Council Room 1.


(Wendesday June 20 at 9pm on CBC-TV)
Since the US-led invasion four years ago, the fifth estate has covered
Iraq and the war on terror from virtually every angle--the military,
media, intellligence, politics--revealing aspects of the story that you
didn't find anywhere else. Now, as the White House warns about the latest
threat in the region, this time from Iran, we go back to examine the
deception, suspect intelligence, even lies that convinced the world of the
rightness of targeting Saddam Hussein.

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