TO. Greenspirational Events: films, forums, fun

Angela Bischoff greenspi at
Sun Mar 8 22:53:12 EDT 2009

Toronto Greenspirational Events


The March of the Despised -- Gandhism Reigns in India

A film by Louis Campana documents the march of 25,000 people
in 2007 for the land rights of landless Indian peasants and farmers.
This documentary is proof that non-violent action works!

Free Screening & Discussion Schedule in Toronto

Mon. March 9 @ 4pm - George Brown College, 200 King St. E.
Mon. March 9 @ 7pm - Steelworkers Hall, 25 Cecil Street
Tues. March 10 @ 12pm - UofT, OISE, 252 Bloor St. W.

Sponsored by the Quakers, Canadian Department of Peace Initiative,
George Brown College Labour Fair, Kairos, Christian Peacemaker Teams  
For more information, please contact jillcarrharris at


Tar Sands Action Night

Our last tour of Royal Bank machines was so popular we will do it again.
Meet us at:

Tuesday March 10,  7pm
Trinity St.Paul's Church
427 Bloor Street West
(just west of Spadina subway station)

We will have a short update on the campaign and then head off to  
local bank machines of the "Oil Bank" (Brock thought that one up) to  
declare them "Global warming crime scenes" and bring our message to  
Royal Bank customers. If you haven't already checked out 
tarsands for campaign info, please do so. Join our Facebook group  
"Push Royal Bank out of the tarsands"

Please let me know if you can make it. If that date doesn't work for  
you but you still wish to get active, contact me. There are things  
you can do anytime, from anywhere. The police paid a visit to the  
church after we left last Tuesday wanting more info about us. Seems  
like we have ruffled some oily feathers!

markc at
Rainforest Action Network


The NFB and Canadian Pugwash Group Presents:

The Strangest Dream

Wed. Mar. 11, 7 p.m.
NFB, 150 John St. (corner Richmond)

This is the story of Joseph Rotblat and the efforts of the Pugwash  
Conferences on Science and World Affairs -- which he rounded -- to  
halt nuclear proliferation. Nuclear physicist Joseph Rotblat was  
branded a traitor and spy after walking away from the Manhattan  
Project, whose aim was to build the first atomic bobm. With Bertrand  
Russell, he went on to help create the modern peaae movement and  
eventually to win the Nobel Peae Prize. Featuring interviews with  
contemporaries of Rotblat, members of the Pugwash movement and  
passionatye public figures including Senator Romeo Dallaire, The  
Strangest Dream demonstrates the renewed threat of nuclear weapons,  
while encouraging hope through the example of morally engaged  
scientists and citizens.


Lessons from developing and spreading Restorative Circles in Brazil
Featuring Dominic Barter

Wed. March 11, 2009 from 7:30 to 9:30 pm - Toronto

Join us for an evening with Dominic Barter, focused on Restorative  
Circles. Successfully used in schools,  neighbourhoods,  
organisations, and the criminal justice system in  Brazil,  
Restorative Circles offer ways for individuals and communities to  
establish connection, discover meaning and recover  power on profound  
levels. They create a forum for uncovering the  human motives behind  
painful choices and enlisting the responsibility of the community to  
find effective strategies to meet pressing needs.

Restorative Circles are developed within the Restorative Justice   
movement, which in recent decades has rediscovered and adapted ways   
for communities to promote responsibility and healing. They are  
guided by the principles of Nonviolent Communication, which supports  
those engaging with the challenge of consciously building  whole  
system responses to community well-being, and has opened up   
remarkable possibilities for furthering a culture of peace.

LOCATION: Peace Lounge, 7th Floor, OISE, 252 Bloor St. West, Toronto

INFORMATION: Henry Wai 416-913-8861  wai_renooy at

ADMISSION: By Donation - No registration required


Ryerson University, Penguin Canada, and Pages Bookstore invite you to  
the launch of Judy Rebick’s new book:

Transforming Power: From the Personal to the Political

Thursday March 12th, Ryerson University
245 Church Street, 3rd Floor Atrium
7:00 p.m. (doors open at 6:30)

Judy will introduce the book and discuss it with a panel, including:

Annahid Dashtgard, Executive Director, Anima Leadership
Debbie Field, Executive Director. FoodShare
Grace-Edward Galabuzzi, Author of “Economic Apartheid”
Velcrow Ripper, Director of “FierceLight: Where Spirit Meets Action”

There will be a Transforming Power slideshow, and a clip from  
FierceLight, soon to be released in Toronto.
Media sponsor:
Check out my new blog and my book at


Beyond Missiles and Nukes:
The Humanitarian and Human Rights Crisis in North Korea

Thursday, March 12,
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
208N - North House, MCIS
1 Devonshire Place, University of Toronto

Speaker: Gordon Flake (Mansfield Foundation)

Sponsored by North Korea Research Group
Co-Sponsored by Centre for the Study of Korea, Asian Institute

Register online at:


Live webcast with with Majora Carter:
Greening the Neighbourhood... & How Much It Won't Cost Us

Fri. Mar. 13, noon - 2 p.m.
Hart House is happy to announce that a Live Webcast of the event will  
be hosted at This is a great  
opportunity for those not able to attend this noon lecture but who  
still want to see Majora on her first ever Canadian appearance.

For more information on the lecture, please visit 


The Battle of Chernobyl

Feature length film
Greg Allen to open the evening with a discussion about nuclear power  
and its climate impacts.

Friday March 13 at 7:00 p.m.
Earth Sciences Auditorium, 33 Willcocks St, U of T

On April 26, 1986, a reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in  
the Ukrainian city of Pripyat exploded and began spewing radioactive  
smoke and gas. Firemen discovered that no amount of water could  
extinguish the blaze. More than 40,000 residents in the immediate  
area were exposed to fallout 100 times greater than that from the two  
atomic bombs dropped on Japan. But the most serious nuclear accident  
in history had only begun.

Based on top-secret government documents that came to light only in  
the Nineties, during the collapse of the Soviet Union, THE BATTLE OF  
CHERNOBYL reveals a systematic cover-up of the true scope of the  
disaster, including the possibility of a secondary explosion of the  
still-smoldering magma, whose radioactive clouds would have rendered  
Europe uninhabitable.

For a full description of the movie see 



Mar 13-14, 2009, at the U of T
Join us for a teach-in on nuclear energy in Ontario. What are the  
concerns surrounding nuclear energy, and what are the alternatives?
Register now:

On the evening of Friday March 13 at 7:00 p.m. there will a screening  
of the film Battle of Chernobyl. Earth Sciences Auditorium (ES 1050),  
U of T. For a description of the movie see 

Workshops will be held all day on Saturday Mar. 14, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.  
in the Kofffler Centre, Room 108, U of T

This conference will provide valuable information on the cost, the  
health effects, the ethical considerations, and the effectiveness of  
nuclear energy as compared to alternatives (e.g. renewable energy  

$25 – or pay-what-you-can. Free for U of T students.

Speakers include

- Jack Gibbons, Ontario Clearn Air Alliance
- Dave Martin, Greenpeace
- Shawn-Patrick Stensil, Greenpeace
- Dr. Dorothy Goldin-Rosenberg, OISE
- Cherise Burda, Pembina
- Keith Stewart, World Wildlife Fund
- Greg Allen
- Phyllis Creighton, Veterans Against Nuclear Arms
- Helen Chilas, Canadian Voice Of Women for Peace
- Jim Elve, Nanticoke
- John Morand, Port Hope
- Norm Rubin, Energy Probe
- Vinay Jindal, Physicians for Global Survival
- Jos Higginson
And many more.

Sponsored by: Ontario Clean Air Alliance, Greenpeace, University of  
Toronto Students Union, Students Against Climate Change, Veterans  
Against Nuclear Arms, Hiroshima Day Coalition, Canadian Voice of  
Women for Peace, and Physicians for Global Survival.


Want more background info? Check out

Register now!

For more info: nuketeachin at


Friday, March 13th, 7 pm.
Reel Activism will present :

The Invisible Nation
on the present situation of the Algonquin people, followed by a  
discussion with activist Margaret Sumadh PWYC.
at Bloor Street United Church upstairs Chapel, 300 Bloor Street West,  
2 blks. E. of Spadina.
For more information: Social Justice Committee at 416-966- 2815


Free showing of:
Myths for Profit: Canada's Role In Industry in War and Peace

Sunday, March 15, 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Hart House, room TBA
Contact Info: 6473427995, paulyork.2008 at

The filmmakers will be present to answer questions after the showing.

‘MYTHS FOR PROFIT' is a dramatic, exposé documentary which explores  
'Canada’s role in Industries of War and Peace’.

Through diverse interviews and case studies this documentary unveils  
the specific interests and profits that are made by certain  
corporation, individuals and agency within Canada.

By examining these myths we seek to find out what are the possible  
motives that hide behind these stories, and if there are certain  
people who stand to gain and maintain these misconceptions.

Only by breaking down these myths can we hope to understand how these  
systems of power operate, and help empower people across Canada to  
change them.

MYTH 1) 'Canada is a peacekeeping nation' examines the changes in the  
Department of National Defence since 1999 and takes a serious look at  
the role Canada has taken in NATO.

A particular focus is given to the current perpetual war in  
Afghanistan, and how Canada played a pivotal role in pushing the  
policy of ‘bombing for humanitarian aid’ in Yugoslavia.

MYTH 2) 'Canada’s policies on ‘Reconstruction and Redevelopment’  
investigates how various government agencies and ministries have  
specific agendas they are implementing around the world.

 From the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAIT) to Export Development  
Canada, policies are being designed and carried out to ensure a free  
market neo-liberal agenda in different countries, regardless of the  
negative effect they may have on the communities and environment they  
impact. This includes how Canada’s development agency’s (CIDA) tied  
and phantom aid function in post and present conflict zones.

MYTH 3) 'Canada’s military purpose is defence' By investigating the  
magnitude of the Canadian military industrial complex, from the  
mining of uranium used for depleted uranium weapons to the production  
of components in weapons systems, this section probes the  
intersecting relationships between various government agencies and  
corporations as well as public complicity in this vast industry.



Sunday March 15, 2pm
Innis College, 2 Sussex Ave
(at St. George, south of Bloor)
University of Toronto

Suggested donation: $7 to $20

On the 6th anniversary of the US-led war in Iraq, see three  
documentaries about resistance to wars from Vietnam to Iraq, and  
soldiers seeking refuge in Canada.
• Parallels (10 min) - two generations of war resisters
• Conscience of a Nation: Winter Soldiers (30 min) - 30 veterans in  
30 minutes
• “Deserter” (24 min) - the journey of a war resister couple fleeing  
the US to Canada

Featuring US war resisters currently living in Toronto.

contact: resisters at • 416-598-1222 •


What's an STV, and where can I get one?
~ A night of music & politics ~

Monday, March 16, 2009
7:00pm - 11:30pm
Tranzac Club
292 Brunswick Avenue

Host: Dave Meslin (Fair Vote Canada ~ Toronto Chapter)
Guest Speaker: Stuart Parker (Fair Vote activist & former leader of  
the BC Greens)
DJ: Ed Keenan (Track Meet / Editor of Eye Weekly)

In 10 weeks, on May 12, British Columbians will vote on proportional  
representation. Join us for an informative discussion about the  
referendum and how it affects Ontario and the rest of Canada. The BC  
Citizen's Assembly chose STV (Single Transferable Vote) as their  
model for reform. What is STV? How does it work? How does it compare  
to other models (First Past the Post, MMP, etc)?

Background info:

The movement for provincial and national voting reform is growing  
every day. December's (almost) Coalition Government put the need for  
reform back on the map. People are tired of vote-splitting, strategic  
voting, and distorted regional results.

There are two models that have been proposed for Canada and our  
provinces. One is called "Mixed Member Proportional" (MMP) and the  
other is "Single Transferable Vote" (STV). Both systems have pros and  
cons attributed to them. BC has chosen STV. In a 2005 referendum,  
British Columbians voted 58% YES, in favour of STV. Unfortunately,  
the government had set 60% as the threshold for a victory, so the  
referendum was lost. This sparked significant protest and criticism,  
and so on May 12 2009, BC goes back to the polls to vote once again  
on the STV system. The outcome of the referendum will have a huge  
impact on the rest of Canada. For supporters of electoral reform in  
any province, all eyes are on BC.

Supporters of PR believe that voting reform will increase political  
engagement in Canada, create more representative governments,  
increase the number of women and visible minorities in elected office  
and lead to more stable and productive parliaments.



Eulogies and Condolences for Tooker
and Stories of ecology and activism
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