No Nukes News: nuclear highway

Angela Bischoff-OCAA angela at
Tue Jul 20 17:24:43 EDT 2010

No Nukes News


July 20, 2010

Pass this onto a friend! - a





Free postcards to Harper and Ignatieff


Can you help distribute our nuke leaflets in your community, at special
events or door-to-door? 

If so, send me your address and I’ll mail them to you pronto. They’re free!
Help us get the word out to Harper and Iggy that Canadians do NOT support
new nuke investments in ON or any other province. 


-angela at 





Canada courts calamity with India nuclear deal

Selling Candus in South Asia only heightens local arms race. 

By Paul McKay


 Obviously, Prime Minister Stephen Harper missed this memo. And the one
reminding him that, in 1974, India extracted plutonium from an earlier
"peaceful" Canadian reactor to make its first atomic bomb. And the memo
confirming that India has refused to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty. And the one reminding him that India's bitter arch-rival, Pakistan,
also used "peaceful" Candu technolgy to produce plutonium for its own
growing nuclear arsenal.

   Both India and Pakistan now use reactors, based on the unique Candu
design, to make plutonium and tritium for their hydrogen bombs. All Candu
reactor models produce plutonium.

   Both countries know how to extract plutonium from waste fuel, and distil
tritium gas. Both have refused to sign the NPT or global bomb test
protocols. Both adamantly assert a sovereign right to perfect, test and
stockpile an unrestricted number of missile-capable nuclear weapons.

   This is commerce without any conscience.




Gordon Edwards on Radio Canada International re: Chalk River isotope


Gordon Edwards was recently interviewed on Radio Canada International about
the restart of the NRU reactor.  The interview touches on safety, tritium
emissions, the Maple fiasco, and nuclear proliferation questions in relation
to the continued use of weapons-grade uranium to produce medical isotopes,
even though other alternatives exist.  Listen to it here:





Great Lakes, nuclear Highway?


Potential threat - Set sail on radioactive waste


Industry and regulatory agencies insist there's no cause for public alarm
about a plan to ship 1,760 tonnes of radiation-laced steel through Lake


Critics slam proposal to ship nuclear waste through Lake Ontario

The Bruce Nuclear Generating Station plans to ship 1,760 tonnes of
radiation-laced steel through Lake Ontario — a precedent-setting project
that has officials worried on both sides of the Canada-U.S. border.


Traditionally, Canada’s nuclear waste is stored in warehouses and
underground repositories. Though recycling such materials is done in parts
of Europe, the practice is controversial because the metals cannot be traced
once they enter the market.


Once the radioactive waste is boarded onto the ship, Bruce Power says it
assumes no responsibility for the safety or integrity of the generators or
for any possible cleanup in the event of an accident during transport.


Radioactive cargo worries mayor 


An application for a licence to ship the steam generators is now before the
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, due to the cargo's size and level of
radioactivity. If approved, it would be the first time a licence has been
issued to ship nuclear waste across the Great Lakes.


"The danger is that accidents do happen," Gordon Edwards said. "There's lots
of radioactive junk inside those steam generators. In fact, Bruce Power
doesn't even know the complete inventory of the radioactive material inside
because it's impossible to measure from the outside and no one wants to go
inside because it's too dangerous. 

"If this material were to somehow find a pathway out into the environment,
through either a puncture or a crack or just to corrosion, then you have
this material leaking into the Great Lakes."


Please take a moment to sign the resolution opposing Bruce Power's plan to
ship radioactive generators across the Great Lakes to Sweden.


And while you’re at it, let the CNSC (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission)
know what you think about Bruce Power's plan to ship radioactive generators
across the Great Lakes to Sweden. Comments, and questions, can be sent to:

Attention: Mr. Marc Drolet

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Email: info at

Tel: 613 947 0442 or toll free 1-800-668- 5284


If you’re anywhere near Owen Sound, please attend the City Council meeting
and public Open Houses.

Mayor Ruth Lovell Stanners of Owen Sound, Ontario, from which harbor the old
Bruce "A" radioactive steam generators from units 1 and 2 are proposed to be
shipped to Sweden, has invited the CNSC (the Canadian Nuclear Safety
Commission) to a special session at Owen Sound, Monday, July 26th to answer
questions from the Council. The public can attend and no notice needs to be


Bruce Power is also holding open houses on the proposed shipment of the
radioactive steam generators.

-          Tuesday, July 27, 5 – 10 p.m., Owen Sound, Bruce Grey Health Unit

-          Wednesday, July 28, 5 – 10 p.m., Southampton, Bruce County Museum

-          Thursday, July 29, 1 – 4 p.m., Bruce Power Visitors' Centre 





Threatening World Order: US and Israel Quietly Announce Plans to
Reconstitute Their Nuclear Stockpiles


The world looks like it's about to become a more dangerous place. A recent
report from Israel's newspaper Haaretz finds that the United States is
moving forward with plans to strengthen Israel's nuclear weapons stockpile


US and Israeli officials maintain that Iran is enriching uranium under the
auspices of a civilian nuclear program, while secretly using its uranium
stockpile to develop nuclear weapons. Those who make such claims are at a
loss to explain why the International Atomic Energy Agency - in addition to
the US National Intelligence Estimate - found no evidence of nuclear weapons
development in Iran, despite countless inspections by international
observers.  Those claiming that Iran is a threat are also unable to explain
why inspectors are unable to uncover any evidence that Iran is producing
highly-enriched uranium (of a quality suitable to develop a nuclear weapon),
but instead only produces low-enriched uranium suitable for use in nuclear
power plants.





Canada: the Saudi Arabia of the North


Canada's road to becoming a petro-state is lined with lies, greed, and

Canada now suffers from an advanced state of “petromania,” a condition of
rank moral dishonesty compounded by visions of oily grandeur.





Hydro-Québec should look to Ontario to help it turn a profit

Hydro-Québec is heading for lower profits and higher electricity rates
unless it invests significantly in energy efficiency incentive programs and
enters into a power-exchange deal with Ontario.

"By more closely coordinating the two province's power systems,
Hydro-Québec's need to build new high-cost hydroelectric generating capacity
to meet its winter peak demands will be reduced," according to the report
produced jointly by Montreal-based Equiterre and Toronto-based Ontario Clean
Air Alliance. "Similarly, Ontario's need to build new high-cost natural
gas-fired power plants to provide peak power on hot summer days will also be




A cloud rolls over solar plan


But this “issue” isn’t about price as much as consistency. If the FIT and
microFIT programs were designed to assure investors by offering stability of
policy and price, then this sudden price adjustment clearly undermines that


Renege on solar power angers farmers, investors 

The province's decision to reduce the rate it will pay for small,
ground-mounted solar-power projects has proven to be highly disruptive.
Thousands of would-be producers -- many of them farmers and rural residents
-- have been forced to scrap their plans in response to the change. This has
created repercussions for suppliers of solar infrastructure and financial
institutions that have arranged financing.




Hello Ontario Farmers and Those interested in the microFIT program: 


On Thur. July 22, from 7 - 9:30 pm, Ontario Solar Network
<>  (OSN) will host an open town hall
meeting at the Hilton Garden Inn in Vaughan, ON to discuss the Ontario Power
Authority's (OPA) proposed price changes for microFIT projects. Free to the
general public, this event will feature leaders in Ontario's solar industry
and Ben Chin, VP Communications of the OPA.


For more information please visit this webpage
aken-in-Light-of-McGuinty-Government-Flip-Flop-1291733.htm> , and for
registration visit this webpage <>





Benefits of wind energy go well beyond cleaner air


One of the many strengths of wind energy is its diversity, notwithstanding
its tremendous positive environmental attributes. Wind energy projects can
be built at a variety of scales by a variety of proponents. Many First
Nation communities and local organizations are now planning wind energy
projects of their own. People across Ontario are considering a range of
small wind energy systems that can be used to power a cottage, farm, or
small commercial operation.

There are a growing number of communities across Canada benefitting from new
local investment, job creation and tax revenue all associated with wind
energy development.





Mark your calendars for the first annual




Toronto's Only Harbourfront Kite Festival!

Saturday October 2nd, Woodbine Beach


Join hundreds of kite flyers, expert kite-flying demonstrations and
workshops on kite making, clean energy and conservation as well as
activities just for kids! WindFest is a chance to celebrate autumn, wind
power, and the breathtaking art of kite flying, on Toronto's largest beach!
For sponsorship opportunities go to:





The Changing Face of Environmentalism - Beyond Gang Green


The evolution of environmentalism over the past fifty years has been spurred
by any number of competing internal tensions: between national and
grassroots, apolitical and partisan, international and domestic, lobbying
strategies and direct action tactics.


Yet the environmental movement, by and large, has always been the most
existential of social movements, willing to shift tactics on the fly, use
what works and discard what doesn’t. “In our business, you’ve got to be fast
on your feet,” said Brower, who died in November 2000. “When industry wins,
they win forever. The most we can usually hope for is a stay of execution.
It means we’ve got to stay eternally vigilant, be very creative and be
willing to take risks.”


Note: A long but excellent article which includes some history of the
anti-nuclear movement. -a





Oil, the Future and the Gulf  

Wed. July 28, 6:45 pm, Toronto City Hall, Committee Room 3. 

The Gulf of Mexico disaster is a calamity and could be a "game changer". On
the one hand the Gulf fisheries and wetlands and coast line for thousands of
kilometres are being degraded, even destroyed. In addition to the insult and
injury to life this represents this also represents the destruction of a
major food source and a great deal of employment. On the other side of the
equation 25% of U.S. oil comes from the Gulf. This represents a major energy
source as well as a great deal of corporate profits and employment. How will
U.S. decision makers square this circle? 

Part 1: Post Carbon Toronto's Randy Park will give a quick review of peak
oil and relate the importance of energy to some real life examples. Drawing
on his work as a professional speaker, author, and foresight facilitator he
will also discuss why most people have a hard time understanding and
accepting energy decline. 
Part 2: Post Carbon Toronto's Jeff Berg will give an update on the Gulf of
Mexico tragedy, and the many reports over the last two years confirming both
peak oil's reality as well as its imminence.


RSVP to this Meetup:






Angela Bischoff

Outreach Director

Ontario Clean Air Alliance

Tel: 416 926 1907 x 246

625 Church Street, #402

Toronto, ON M4Y 2G1

 <mailto:angela at> angela at



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