Greenspiration News: Power Summer

Angela Bischoff greenspi at
Mon Aug 1 15:01:53 EDT 2011

Greenspiration News

Yay for summer! - a

Gigapixel Panorama Photography
This photo is taken by Port Moody photographer Ronnie Miranda with gigapixel camera. You can see the faces of every single individual prior to the Stanley Cup riots in Vancouver!

When you open this up, check the left hand side where you can upsize the photo, and click on the yellow print "view with gigatag". 

What a camera - just think what the police and the military have at their disposal... 


Plutocracy: If Corporations and the Rich Paid 1960s-Level Taxes, the Debt Would Vanish

By feeding the rich and their corporations one massive tax break after another, lawmakers have thrown a monstrous monkey wrench into our national finances.

Restaurants Where You Only Pay What You Can Afford? A Visionary Way to Bring Good Food to the Poor Is Taking Off

Using the slogan, “Take what you need, leave your fair share,” the cafés are doing just fine. Shaich claims that an estimated 60 percent of customers pay suggested retail price, 20 percent pay extra, and another 20 percent pay less or nothing.


Only Green Technology Can Avert 'Planetary Catastrophe'

Humanity is near to breaching the sustainability of Earth, and needs a technological revolution greater and faster than the industrial revolution to avoid "a major planetary catastrophe," warns a new United Nations report.


A link between climate change and extreme weather? Never.

An op ed by Bill McKibbon, narrated and illustrated into a 4 minute video

The new abnormal: look who’s talking about climate and weird weather


Can yoga help change the world?

Yoga for a World Out of Balance makes a case for how social action and inner enlightenment work together


Power Summer 2011: The youth movement is growing, are you in?

Power Summer is a plan to create 6 regional camps across Canada to train grassroots youth organizers from coast to coast. Each camp will include training in popular education, action & strategy, communications, messaging, campaign planning, and other quintessential organizing skills, while building our understanding of climate justice and how we build a movement to get it. These 3 day, weekend long camps will use participatory, direct education to train the next generation of climate warriors and trainers.

Join the movement!


5 Protests That Shook the World (With Laughter)

Great moments in "laughtivism" from Yes Men, the guys who duped the BBC, embarrassed Dow Chemical, and mocked Halliburton.

Medications and the Heat

Some medications make it harder for your body to control its temperature.

The case against antidepressants
A growing chorus of critics is challenging the widespread use of antidepressants. Why?

Studies Examine Autism's Link to Antidepressants, Other Factors

Results indicated a doubling in risk of autism if the mother filled a prescription for antidepressants at any point in the year before delivery. The risk tripled if she filled the prescription during the first trimester of pregnancy.

After 24 Years, a New Concern with Prozac - Autism

SSRI drugs such as Prozac have been shown to pass through the placenta to the fetus. The concern, then, is that a drug that has the potential to alter serotonin levels in the brain of the mother can do the same in the fet 


EcoCity World Summit

Montreal Aug. 22-26, 2011

Bad Food? Tax It, and Subsidize Vegetables

Rather than subsidizing the production of unhealthful foods, we should turn the tables and tax things like soda, French fries, doughnuts and hyperprocessed snacks. The resulting income should be earmarked for a program that encourages a sound diet for Americans by making healthy food more affordable and widely available.

By profiting as a society from the foods that are making us sick and using those funds to make us healthy, the United States would gain the same kind of prestige that we did by attacking smoking. We could institute a national, comprehensive program that would make us a world leader in preventing chronic or "lifestyle" diseases, which for the first time in history kill more people than communicable ones. By doing so, we'd not only repair some of the damage we have caused by first inventing and then exporting the Standard American Diet, we'd also set a new standard for the rest of the world to follow.


Final Thoughts: The Tree 
by Jean Ross

A lone tree
grows on the barren, rocky slope
sending its roots deep
into the fissures of the rock
surviving the winter winds 
to emerge into the spring alive,
bent, but not broken.

We are all like that tree,
tacking and adjusting
to the vicissitudes of life
as we meet our daily challenges,
some small,
a few traumatic and life changing;
yet through it all
we emerge alive
bent, perhaps, but never, ever, broken.


Eulogies and Condolences for Tooker
and Stories of ecology and activism
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