T.O. Greenspiration Events: Speaking truth for change

greenspi greenspi at web.ca
Sun Apr 30 16:43:27 EDT 2017

Tar sands production using nearly one-third of Canada's natural gas
Chomsky on the GOP: Has Any Organization Ever Been So Committed to Destruction of Life on Earth?

Trump’s top win is in cutting environmental protections
The problem is not climate change alone. Pervasive pollution, invasive species, habitat loss and mass extinctions have swelled into critical problems within the United States and globally. Each compounds the other, and all are amplified by climate change.
Hot Docs
April 27 - May 7
Hot Docs, North America’s largest documentary festival, offers an outstanding selection of over 200 films from Canada and around the world.

Mayworks Festival of Working People and the Arts
April 28 – May 7
Various locations in Toronto.
This year’s multidisciplinary program captures and expresses the shared experiences of precarious work and collective struggle for decent wages and healthy working conditions.


Premier Wynne: Keep your promise to Grassy Narrows!
In February 2017, Premier Wynne made an historic commitment to Chief Simon Fobister. She promised to clean up the mercury that has been poisoning the people of Grassy Narrows for over forty years. Please email Premier Wynne below and urge her to include the full cost of a mercury remediation plan for Grassy Narrows in this year’s budget so that it can be implemented without delay.
The Town Where Mercury Still Rises
These 6 Activists Are Risking It All in the Name of Environmental Justice
The 2017 Goldman Environmental Prize winners fight mining, poaching, and deforestation—sometimes at great personal risk
Free bicycles reducing pollution in China
Why I've never gotten a mammogram 
5 min. video with Dr. Peter C. Gotzche (english with spanish subtitles) 

Doctors in Denial: Why Big Pharma and the Canadian Medical Profession Are Too Close for Comfort - by Dr. Joel Lexchin
Available as of May 1 in both hard copy and as an ebook. For those in Canada it is available from Chapters-Indigo and Amazon. 

Chernobyl Anniversary: Film screening and discussion
Sun. April 30, 7 – 9 p.m.
Friends House, 60 Lowther (St. George subway)
To commemorate the 31st Anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe, join us for a film screening of the 2012 documentary ‘The Atomic States of America’. On April 26, 1986, a nuclear reactor in Pripyat, Ukraine suffered a catastrophic power increase, leading to explosions in its core. This dispersed large quantities of radioactive isotopes into the atmosphere and caused an open-air fire. Thousand got cancer, mutations, Chernobyl heart, and have died. After spending billions, it is still a disaster zone. To honor the victims (and continue informing ourselves & others about nuclear risks), we will screen the film ‘Atomic States of America’ and have a discussion of current energy policy in Ontario. This excellent documentary covers all aspects of the nuclear scene: economic, political, safety, accidents, weapons, waste. Sponsored by Durham Nuclear Awareness (DNA), Ontario Clean Air Alliance, and Peace and Social Action Committee.
Trailer: http://www.videoproject.com/The-Atomic-States-of-America.html
Petition to close Pickering: http://www.cleanairalliance.org/close-pickering/
Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/668455773362217/https://www.facebook.com/events/668455773362217/
May Day 2017 
Monday May 1, 5 - 8 p.m.
Dufferin Grove Park, 875 Dufferin Street
May Day was born out of militant working class struggle. First declared by the 2nd Internationale to commemorate the Haymarket Affair of May 1886, it is celebrated around the world as International Workers Day—not just in the centres of capital, but also in the peripheries (the so-called "Third World") where the contradictions between the exploiting class and the exploited are most often at their sharpest. As the crisis of capitalism deepens, so increases the pressure, hardship, and violence upon the exploited and oppressed. Once again we find ourselves facing a resurgence of fascism. Let us gather this May 1st to affirm the unity of the international working class.
Training for Climate Action in Toronto
Mon, May 1, 7 - 9 p.m.
Quaker House, 60 Lowther Avenue (St George subway_
Learn how to make a deputation, write a letter to the editor and talk to your city councillor about climate change in preparation for the TransformTO 2050 Climate Action Report.
Compassion Circle
Mondays 7 – 9 p.m. drop in
At the CAMH Sacred Space (2nd floor), 100 Stokes (Queen and Ossington)
Free weekly non-judgmental meditation and discussion support group. 
For more info: sumeetsaini07 at gmail.com

Toronto's New Climate Plan: A Community Discussion
Tues. May 2, 6 - 8 pm
Bahen Centre for Information Technology, 40 St George St - Room 1200, U of T
The City of Toronto has been working on a new long-term plan for reducing Toronto's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 80% by 2050. The Toronto Climate Action Network is hosting a talk from the TransformTO team to learn about the path forward for reaching our targets. The evening will consist of a presentation that explains the new plan, followed by an opportunity to ask questions. You'll have the chance to learn more about the City's plans on renewable energy, public transit and much more. ClimateFast will also be hosting a workshop on making effective deputations. The workshop will take place 8 - 8:30 pm in the same space. Please email climatefast at climatefast.ca to sign up, with the subject line: May 2nd training.
Read TEA's (Toronto Environmental Alliance's) critique of the City's TransformTO Action Plan.
Double Exposure: Art and Activism 
The inaugural Beit Zatoun Salon
A Different Booklist Cultural Centre, 777 Bathurst St. (south of Bloor)
Tuesday, May 2, 7 pm
The co-editors of the recent groundbreaking anthology Double Exposure: Plays of the Jewish and Palestinian Diasporas, will talk about their journey putting together this volume of seven plays that tackle the Palestine-Israel conflict. Written by Jewish and Palestinian playwrights in diaspora it offers perspectives that turn the political into the personal.  The evening will include readings from their plays Tales of a City by the Sea by Samah Sabawi and Sperm Count by Stephen Orlov followed by a conversation about the role and power of art in activism and then open to Q&A.
The Maribor Uprisings
Tuesday, May 2, 6 pm
Innis Town Hall, 2 Sussex Avenue, U of T
On the once prosperous industrial city of Maribor, Slovenia, anger over political corruption became unruly revolt. In THE MARIBOR UPRISINGS, which is part film, part conversation and part interactive experiment, you are invited to participate in the protests. Drawing on the dramatic frontline footage from a video activist collective embedded within the uprisings, you begin in Maribor as crowds surround and ransack City Hall under a hailstorm of tear gas canisters. As a group, you must choose which cameras you will follow and therefore how the events will unfold. Like those who joined the actual uprisings, you will decide between joining non-violent protests or following rowdy crowds towards City Hall and greater conflict. These events stand as an example for any number of ideological stand-offs today. What sparks outrage? How are participants swept up in - and changed by - confrontations with police? Could something like this happen in your city? What would you do?

Parliament of the World’s Religions 
Tues. May 2, 12:30 pm 
Member’s Lounge, Toronto City Hall
Press conference and reception to announce The Parliament of the World’s Religions is coming to Toronto in early November 2018. The world’s oldest and largest interfaith gathering is being held in Canada for the first time. 
The Parliament of the World’s Religions brings together different religious and spiritual groups to discuss world issues such as climate change, violence and inequality. Important sub-themes for Toronto will likely include Indigenous spiritualty, sacred feminine and emerging youth leadership. Founded in 1893, the Parliament is held every three years across the globe – a major platform for initiating dialogue on achieving a just, peaceful and sustainable world. The Parliament brings together Nobel Prize Winners and top international faith and social justice leaders. 


Youth Talks: Housing
Tues. May 2, 6 - 8 pm
Toronto City Hall - 100 Queen St
This forum seeks to explore the current realities youth face in regards to housing, what the consequences of inaccessibility and unaffordability are for youth, and whether or not youth have power in today´s changing housing economy. We will have a panel of guest speakers who will present diverse perspectives how youth are affected by issues concerning housing accessibility and affordability in the context of the City´s current housing crisis. Free food and TTC tokens available for attendees who RSVP through Eventbrite: 


Canada’s Mining Activities Abroad
Wed. May 3, 7 - 9 p.m.
Madison Avenue Pub, 14 Madison (near Bloor and Spadina)
Canadian mining companies have repeatedly faced allegations of environmental damage and human rights abuses, including child labour, slavery, and mass murder. Are Canadians aware of what’s happening? In 2010, MP John McKay tabled private member’s Bill C-300, also known as the Responsible Mining Act, calling for stricter oversight of Canadian mining companies abroad. The Bill would have withdrawn government funding and diplomatic support for companies found to be abusing human rights or violating international environmental norms in developing countries. The legislation was defeated 140 to 134 in the House of Commons in October 2010. What’s going on? How is it possible for Canadian companies to be implicated in such activities without triggering more scrutiny at home? For this discussion, we’ll be joined by panellists: Sakura Saunders, member of the Mining Injustice Solidarity Network and co-founder of Protest Barrick and Claire Lehan, who worked closely with MP John McKay on crafting Bill C-300. Free.
A Counter-History of the Modern Canadian Environment - Photo Exhibition 
May 3 - July 15 
Gallery, 7 Hart House Circle, U of T
Opening Reception Wednesday May 3, 7 - 9 pm - U of T Art Centre, 15 King's College Circle
It’s All Happening So Fast goes beyond traditional historical exhibition and employs a multitude of materials to create intersecting narratives by multiple voices – including protagonists of the modern project, Indigenous Peoples, environmentalists, lawyers and judges, artists and photographers, and architects of alternative energy visions. Each of the exhibition’s narrative sequences includes environmental disasters representing six organizing themes: the failure of the modern project; resource exploitation in Canada’s northern territories; development of energy infrastructures; nuclear contamination; water and air pollution; and industrial fishing and forestry operations.
Indigenous Rights and Climate Change 
Thur. May 4, 2 - 3:30 pm
Webinar with Eriel Deranger of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (ACFN), Danika Billie Littlechild of Indigenous Climate Action and Kim Scott of the Assembly of First Nations.

It Takes a Riot
Race. Rebellion. Reform. A documentary to mark the 25th anniversary of the Yonge Street Uprising
Thur. May 4, 6:30 pm
350 Victoria Street, Room Lib 72, Ryerson
The Akua Benjamin Legacy Project in partnership with the Social Justice Institute at Brock University, commemorates the 25th anniversary of the Young Street Uprising. Here we debut the long anticipated film “It Takes A Riot” followed by a panel discussion.

Ottawa and Empire
Thursday, May 4, 7 pm
Another Story Bookshop, 315 Roncesvalles Ave
In June 2009, the democratically elected president of Honduras was kidnapped and whisked out of the country while the military and business elite consolidated a coup d’etat. To the surprise of many, Canada implicitly supported the coup and assisted the coup leaders in consolidating their control over the country. Since the coup, Canada has increased its presence in Honduras, even while the country has been plunged into a human rights catastrophe, highlighted by the assassination of prominent Indigenous activist Berta Cáceres in 2016. Drawing from the Honduran experience, "Ottawa and Empire:Canada and the Military Coup" in Honduras makes it clear that Canada has emerged as an imperial power in the 21st century. 


Inorganic Market Electronic Waste Collection
Thur. May 4, 6 - 8 pm. 
Bloor/Gladstone Library, 1101 Bloor W
Drop-off your used electronics. Help divert e-waste from landfills, and raise awareness around the challenges posed by electronic waste. Free. 


Algal Blooms in Freshwater: A Growing Global Problem
Thur. May 4, 6:30 p.m.
Reference Library, 789 Yonge,
Dr. Lewis Molot talks about the prevalence of blue-green algae, or cyanobacteria, in our lakes and rivers and how agriculture and industry have contributed to their resurgence. Free.


Take Action F.A.S.T. for Bangladesh Garment Workers
Art and music in celebration of the people who make our clothes 
Thur. and Fri. May 4 & 5, 7 p.m.
Campaign launch. There will be a Mock Sweatshop where you can sew three headed t-shirts and be paid what your counterpart in Bangladesh is paid in an hour: 40 cents. The Rana Plaza Memorial invites you to sit in silence for a few minutes to remember the 1,128 people who died making our clothes. A pop-up fashion market of indie Canadian designers rounds out the event. Sign a petition to retailers saying you’d be willing to pay 5% more for that cute t-shirt if the F.A.S.T. conditions are met:  FAIR living wageADULT labour onlySAFE working conditions No unpaid overTIME. With Lido Pimienta, LAL, DJ sets by Austra, Casey Mecija and others. Free.


An evening with LaDonna Allard of Standing Rock
Friday, May 5, 6 - 9 p.m.
OPSEU Membership Centre, 31 Wellesley St.
LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard, Lakota Historian and Activist founder of Sacred Stone Camp, Standing Rock North Dakota is coming to Toronto. Food will be provided at event. Event sponsored by OPSEU Indigenous Mobilization Team, Idle No More and Law Union of Ontario.
For more information contact tvining at opseu.org
Revolution - A Rob Stewart Film
Fri. May 5, 6:30 p.m.
Scarborough Civic Centre, 150 Borough Dr.
Join ClimateFast as we show Revolution, an award winning documentary about the evolution of life and the revolution underway to save us. Discussions on TransformTO, a collaborative project to reduce Toronto's greenhouse gas emissions will follow. Free.


Jane's Walk
Citizen-led walking tours towards community-based city building
Thur. - Sat. May 5, 6 and 7
Jane's Walk is a movement of free, citizen-led walking tours inspired by Jane Jacobs. The walks get people to tell stories about their communities, explore their cities, and connect with neighbours.
Law Union Of Ontario Conference: Speaking Truth For Change
Fri. and Sat, May 5 and 6
Northrop Frye Hall, 73 Queen's Park Cres.
Talks on precarious work and law reform, legal strategies in the age of Trump and more. May 5-6. Some events at Steelworkers Hall. $10 or pwyc.

Kids’ World of Energy Festival
Saturday, May 6
Evergreen Brick Works, 550 Bayview Ave
The family-focused festival will include kids’ activities, games and demonstrations focused on energy. Organized by TREC Education, a diverse range of  community organizations and company partners will join in for a day of discovery and community engagement. Free! Activities include: Entertainment, live energy demonstrations, kids’ activities, workshops on energy conservation and home sustainability practices, and farmers' market
If I ruled T.O 
Sat May 6,10 - 5 pm
City Hall 100 Queen Street West
We are inviting you to If I Ruled T.O., a youth conference that focuses on community building. Be part of the solution! You will have a chance to connect with the city’s biggest decisions makers and voice what matters to youth. Tell them what you would do if you “ruled” Toronto!
Allan Gardens Food and Clothing Share for the Street Community 
Every Sunday, 12 noon - 3 pm.
Allan Gardens Park, Carlton and Sherbourne
Please consider donating your gently used clothes and footwear to our Indigenous-lead, Grassroots initiative so that we can help the downtown east Homeless Street Community, and those recently Housed ease the burden of acquiring good, Seasonal clothing. *Donations accepted on site, Sundays.* We are still in need of warm clothing, as Climate change seems to have shifted our Winter months; however we are also shifting into Spring Clothing. We are ALWAYS in desperate need of MEN'S CLOTHES, particularly 34-36 waist jeans, Med / Large / XL hoodies, t-shirts, jackets; jockey shorts, and socks. Toiletries are also welcome; perhaps the mini toiletries from your hotel stays? We are also looking to partner up with a local restaurant(s) to support us once a month (or as often as possible) with a meal donation. 
Email: allangardensshare at gmail.com

Jane´s Walk the Line 9 - 24
Sun May 7, 1 - 2 pm
Finch Hydro Corridor
A Jane´s Walk along the Hydro Corridor in Ward 24 tracing the route of the dangerous Line 9 pipeline. Discover the threat and the alternatives.
Ward 24: http://janeswalk.org/canada/toronto/janes-walk-line-24/
Ward 23: http://janeswalk.org/canada/toronto/janes-walk-line-23/


Cross Cultural/Cross Denominational Dialogue
Sun. May 7, 2 - 4:15 pm.
Transact, 292 Brunswick
Interactive discussion to see if dialogue can make a contribution to ideological & military conflicts.  $10. 
The Green Majority
Live Eco Radio Show every Friday from 11 am - Noon CIUT 89.5 FM greenmajority.ca
Three Women
Feminist Radio every Monday 4 - 5 p.m.
CIUT 89.5 FM
Centre for Social Innovation Events
Shape My City Events
Hot Docs
Bloor Cinema (Bloor and Bathurst)
NOW magazine hosts a very comprehensive online events listing 
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greenspiration at web.ca
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