T.O. Greenspiration Events: Summertime

Angela Bischoff greenspi at web.ca
Sun May 28 23:09:12 EDT 2017

Hi T.O. friends. This is my last Greenspiration Events newsletter for the summer. Have a fantastic summer - I’ll reconnect in Sept. 
Peace and health to all, 


No2Percent! I don't want increases to military spending... Let's build peace instead!
I absolutely oppose a doubling of our military budget, from $20B to $40B.  Please sign the petition.


How many cyclists have to be on Bloor for city councillors to make the bike lane permanent?
Do the numbers matter or is bike safety still trumped by cars, parking, and attitudes?

Bike counts on Bloor - May, 2017 community report


City of Toronto spraying insecticide to fight Gypsy Moth in and around High Park


F**k Mars 
We should stop pretending Mars is Earth's backup planet. 2 min. video.


Manchester was an attack on girls


The Trump administration unveiled its $4.1 trillion budget. The plan includes massive cuts to social programs, while calling for historic increases in military spending.


Clean up Canada's fracking mess


Bike Month
May 20 - June 30
A celebration of cycling in the Greater Toronto with hundreds of community events including rides, races, tours, festivals and more.


Ideas with Paul Kennedy
Canada’s most brilliant podcasts

Watch CBC documentaries


The Age of Consequences
Don’t miss this exceptional documentary, available on CBC till June 12. An investigation of the impact of climate change on increased resource scarcity, human migration and conflict through the lens of U.S. national security and global stability. Military leaders and veterans take us beyond the headlines of the conflict in Syria, the Arab Spring, the rise of radicalized groups like ISIS and the European refugee crisis to lay bare how climate change stressors interact with societal tensions and spark conflict.


Citizen Jane: Battle for the City
Mon. May 29, 6:15 p.m.
Tues. May 30, 1 p.m.
Wed. May 31, 4 p.m.
Thurs. June 1, 6:30 p.m. 
Bloor Hot Docs, 506 Bloor W.
Once our neighbour here in the Annex, Jane Jacobs played an integral role in making sure Toronto looks and feels the way it does today; her successful opposition to the Spadina expressway helped ensure the city was for people first, and cars second. But before she moved to Toronto, Jacobs stood up to the rapid urbanization in New York City. Her 1960 book The Death and Life of Great American Cities criticized modern planners reconfiguration of cities. In particular, Jacobs went head-to-head with power broker Robert Moses who was planning destroy the city's neighbourhoods in order to create expressways. Citizen Jane follows the battle between Jacobs and Moses, her inspiring drive to fight for what is right against the rich and powerful, and her ideas on urban issues which are even more relevant today.


Bike to Work Day: Toronto Group Commute & Pancake Breakfast
Monday, May 29, 7 a.m.
Join the Group Commute from start points around the city. At 7:30 we'll converge Yonge & Charles & ride to Nathan Phillips Square for a free breakfast


The New Economy and a Basic Income Guarantee 
Monday, May 29, 8  - 5 pm 
Innis Town Hall Theatre, 2 Sussex Ave, U of T 
A basic income guarantee (BIG) could provide every Canadian with an income sufficient to meet their minimal needs and live with dignity. Such a policy could also be a response to recent changes in the nature of employment, labour and work (e.g., declining benefits, employment precarity, erosion in working conditions, income inequality, free trade, job automation, outdated laws). This conference will bring together over 250 representatives from academia, community, government, industry, law, unions and workers.


Pints on the Patio
Mon. May 29, 6 - 8:30 p.m.
Amsterdam Brewhouse, 245 Queens Quay West 
A fundraiser for GreenPAC. GreenPAC is a groundbreaking non-partisan organization motivated by a simple belief — Canada needs strong political leaders who are driven to take action to protect the environment.


Mine Tailings Dam Collapses in Canada and Brazil: Accidents or environmental crimes? 
Mon. May 29, 7 pm
A Different Booklist Cultural Centre, 777 Bathurst (s. of Bloor)
Roundtable Discussion with: 
Uno Lapointe, Canadian Programme Coordinator, MiningWatch, Canada
Richard Holmes, Fisheries Biologist, Likely BC (community affected by Mt. Polley)
Bruno Milanese, researcher, Brazilian Network for Environmental Justice
Joan Kuyek, Founding National Coordinator, MiningWatch Canada
Judith Marshall, CERLAC, York University (Moderator)


Compassion Circle
Mondays 7 - 9 p.m.
CAMH Bell Gateway Building, 100 Stokes, Sacred Space, 2nd floor, (Queen and Ossington) 
Free weekly non-judgmental meditation and discussion support group. Free.


Facilitating Conference Calls and Online Meetings 
Tues. May 30. 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Greenpeace Mobilization Hub, 33 Cecil St.
Do you work with a group who are too spread out to meet in person, but you still want to build good relationships? Suffering from endless email-list overload? Ever wonder if the people on the other end of the phone are really listening, or just sitting on their laptops? If so, this is a workshop for you. We'll cover (and practice!) some simple tools and techniques for activists who need to facilitate meetings and discussions using video or audio-conferencing tools (like phone, Skype and Google Hangouts). And we'll make your meetings fun! Sliding scale. 


Canada – The Case for Staying out of Other People's Wars
Book Launch with author William Geimer and guest Linda McQuaig
Tues. May 30
- noon - 2 p.m. at Friends House, 60 Lowther Ave
- 7 p.m. at Ignat Kaneff Bldg, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Rm 1003 
Canada did not come of age at Vimy, and in all of Canada’s wars both soldiers and civilians have died in vain. So why do people continue to support war in general, despite its poor record of benefits? And why, in particular, does Canada involve herself in other people’s wars? Why does Canada, never under any realistic threat of invasion, continue to fight?


Oxfam in Toronto Coffee Talks: Everyday Activism
Tuesday May 30, 7pm. 
Hub Coffee, 983 Dovercourt Road
Learn how to be an everyday activist. Hear from Claire McWatt - Oxfam Community Animator - and learn handy tips and tricks on how to get involved in what inspires you  and a get a look at what small things can be done everyday to contribute to community development.


Book Launch: Culture/Work/Resistance
Tues. May 30, 6 - 7 p.m.
McLuhan Centre, 39A Queens Park Crescent E, U of T
Please join us at the McLuhan Centre on the evening of May 30th as we meet the authors and launch three new titles on Culture/Work/Resistance in a Digital Age.


Socialist Studies 2017 Congress
Tues. May 30 - June 2
Ryerson U
The theme of the Conference is ‘Liberation Here and Now: Continuity and Change in Socialist Studies at 50 Years and Beyond.’  Diverging from the Congress theme, ‘From Far and Wide: The Next 150’, we call upon participants to fundamentally trouble Project Canada, to celebrate past and future resistances and solidarities, and to engage in dialogue on how to get to a decolonized praxis and collective liberation here and now.


Fairly Equal: Lawyering The Feminist Revolution
Tues. May 30, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge, In Beeton Hall
Legal expert and feminist activist Linda Silver Dranoff talks about her new book. Free. 


Social Justice = Environmental Justice: Rethink! Reclaim! Respect 
Wednesday May 31, 9:30 am - 4 pm 
George Brown College (290 Adelaide St. E., 4th Fl.) 
Opening with a keynote address by Indigenous rights and environmental justice activist Clayton Thomas-Müller, the 5th annual Tommy Douglas Institute invites educational communities, wider communities and activists to make the connections between climate justice and social justice. The one-day event will also feature performances, provocative roundtable discussions (on Labour, Indigenous Rights, Gender Justice, Food Security, Racial Justice, Peace and Freedom from Conflict), an Environmental Justice Fair and a closing panel on Connecting Climate Change to Social Change – Educate! Organize! Act!
Fees:  $55 (regular) or $20* (GBC students / low wage) *Apply for subsidy for reduced rate, limited subsidies available.
Register at: http://www.georgebrown.ca/TommyDouglasInstitute/


Walk A Mile In Her Shoes
Wed. May 31, 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. 	
David Pecaut Square 215 King W
Join White Ribbon in a high-heeled walk to end violence against women. Show your support for a safe and equitable world for all. Free, donations accepted.


1st National Bike Summit 
Thursday, June 1, 3 - 4:45 pm
Summit takes place in Ottawa but you can participate on live broadcast (webinar).


Canadian Voice of Women Peace Gala Dinner 
Thursday, June 1, 6 - 10 p.m.
Great Hall, Hart House, U of T
$75 tix, $50 students
Established in 1960, Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (VOW) is a non-partisan Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) comprised of a network of diverse women with consultative status at the United Nations ECOSOC. For 55 years, VOW has tirelessly advocated for a world without war.


Water Is Life Music Benefit
Thur. June 1, 7 - 10 p.m.
Hart House Theatre, U of T
We are holding the WATER IS LIFE music benefit, with proceeds going to Grandmother Josephine's last Water Walk this spring and summer AND to the Onaman Collective's Culture Camp Forever, that will begin to be built in May. Lots of performers plus a silent art auction. Ticket prices are $25 for non-students and $15 for seniors and students, available online and in person at Hart House Theatre Box Office. https://tickets.harthouse.ca/online/article/waterislife


Rethinking Madness: Psychosis or Spiritual Awakening? CrazyWise 
Friday, June 2, 6 - 8 pm 
Adler Graduate Professional School, 890 Yonge Street, 9th Floor 
The Adler Faculty of Psychotherapy invites you to a film evening and discussion. Crazy or Wise? The traditional wisdom of indigenous cultures contradicts the modern view of psychological crisis. Is it a calling to grow or the meaningless firings of a broken brain? The documentary film CRAZYWISE explores what can be learned from people around the world who have transformed their psychological crises into positive, healing experiences. This feature-length film situates psychosis in a cultural framework. It is beautifully photographed, emotionally moving, and deeply thought-provoking. Following the film, please join us for a discussion about the film and its implications.
RSVP psychotherapy at adler.ca


Pump Beer Not Oil! Beer Launch to Fight Kinder Morgan
Fri. June 2, 6 - 10 pm
Junction Craft Beer, 90 Cawthra Ave #101
This summer, Toronto350 is very excited to announce a partnership with Junction Craft Brewing and the launch of our new Hopposition Ale! Starting in June, portions of proceeds from beer sales will go directly to funding opposition to the Kinder Morgan pipeline, so drink up for Mother Earth! Since the approval of the Kinder Morgan Trans-Mountain Expansion in the fall, Indigenous and environmental groups across Canada have been preparing to ensure this pipeline never breaks ground. Construction for the project is set to start in September of this year, and opposition to the project is ramping up, with some already dubbing it “Canada’s Standing Rock.” Join us in supporting Protectors on the frontlines of this struggle, defending our threatened air, land, and water.


Faith Commuter Challenge
June 2 - 11
Walk and wheel to worship.


Ghost Bike Memorial Ride For Child Rider
Jun 3, 2017 10 a.m. - noon
Matt Cohen Park, 393 Bloor W (Bloor and Spadina parkette)
Memorial ride for a 5-year-old boy that died cycling on the Martin Goodman Trail on May 24, 2017. Group ride starts at Spadina & Bloor, ends at the Canadian Legion on Lake Shore West. Free. Info: 416-985-8894


Diversity, Strength, and Solidarity: Keep Toronto Hate Free!
Sat. June 3, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
City Hall, Nathan Phillips Square (Queen and Bay)
This is a day of action in support of our diverse community. We stand together as Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Atheists, workers, students, immigrants, refugees, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour), LGBTI, and disabled folks in Toronto. While we stand shoulder to shoulder with one another, right-wing hate groups try to disrupt these demonstrations. For them, “freedom of speech” is a cover to spread racism, white supremacy, and Islamophobia. Our intention is positive and peaceful. Freedom of speech is not freedom to propagate hate. 


Composting 101
Sat, 3 Jun, 11 am - 12:30 pm
Annette Library, 145 Annette St.
Learn about three common reasons composting doesn't work, and about the connection between carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and soil organic matter.  Learn the how-tos such as the roles of feedstock, moisutre, air. labour and time.


Scouting For Events and Actions
Sunday June 4, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Greenpeace Mobilization Hub, 33 Cecil St.
Whether you are planning a march, a sit-down, a picket, a meeting disruption, a banner or a blockade, it is often important to check out the location in advance. Scouting the location well can help you plan an action that is safe, effective and less likely to be foiled. This workshop will introduce you to the basics of scouting for situations where you are trying to go unnoticed to maintain an element of surprise. 


Clothing SWAP at Trinity Bellwoods
Sun. June 4, 1 - 5 p.m.
Trinity Bellwoods Park (Queen and Vaughan)
Come on down to the park and spend the day swapping for a new wardrobe! Make sure that any clothing you bring is in decent condition and clean just to be fair to everyone involved! It will be a classic 1 for 1 swap, with no limit to how many pieces you bring.


Bike Lanes on Bloor - Public Drop-in
Monday, June 5, 4 - 8 p.m.
Trinity-St. Paul's Centre - Gym, 427 Bloor Street W.
The Bloor Street Bike Lane Pilot Project was approved by City Council in May 2016. The installation of the separated bike lanes (cycle tracks) on Bloor Street West from Shaw Street (east of Ossington Avenue) to Avenue Road was completed in late August 2016. The pilot project will allow us to demonstrate and study the impacts and benefits of bike lanes on Bloor Street. Extensive monitoring and evaluation is being carried out and will be reported to Council later this year. Join us for our third public event to learn about the technical evaluation completed to date, review summaries of on-going public feedback, and discuss your experience and suggestions for the future of these cycling facilities. Local Councillors Mike Layton and Joe Cressy will be in attendance.  All information materials presented will be posted online shortly following the event.


Waterfront Toronto Townhall Meeting
Tues. June 6, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Join President and CEO Will Fleissig for a community update on Waterfront Toronto's evolving mandate and future projects. 


Speaking to the Media and Getting your Story Out there 
Wednesday June 7, 6:30 - 9:30 pm 
OISE, 252 Bloor Street 
Participants will learn about a tool for crafting strong messaging for the media and practice quick sound bites that will resonate. We will also explore different social media platforms and each of their strengths. Sliding scale. 


Beyond Tweets: Welcoming Refugees from Fortress America
Wednesday, June 7, 7  -9 pm
Church of the Holy Trinity, 10 Trinity Square
You are invited to a public meeting to discuss the historical roots of the sanctuary movement in the US, the current situation for refugees there, the Safe Third Country agreement between Canada and the US, and the Canadian response to refugees in general, and those arriving from the US.


Improving Prescription Drug Safety for Canadian Seniors - Webinar
Fri. June 9, 1 - 2 p.m.
Seniors are the heaviest users of prescriptions medicines in Canada. Yet it is estimated that as much as half of the medications given to seniors are taken incorrectly or overprescribed, increasing the likelihood of adverse drug reactions and interactions. Moreover, as Nicole Bernier, author of the IRPP study Improving Prescription Drug Safety for Canadian Seniors points out, many drugs prescribed to seniors either have not been adequately studied for this age group or have not been formally approved for the conditions they are being prescribed to treat. What are the principal causes and what is the extent of the problem? What more can be done to address this serious health issue for our aging population? 


MEC Toronto Paddlefest 2017
Sat, Jun 10, 9:30 am - 5:30 p.m.
Sun, Jun 11, 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 pm
Sunnyside Beach 1755 Lake Shore Boulevard West 
MEC is throwing a party to welcome the 2017 paddling season! Dive into the world of kayaking, canoeing, and stand up paddleboarding. You can go for a test paddle, learn skills from the experts, and browse exhibitor booths. Everyone’s welcome!


Sunday, June 11, 12-5 p.m.
Erin Fair grounds, Erin, Ontario
After 10 years of Wellington Water Watchers' diligent work to protect source water in Ontario, Waterstock is the rallying point to send a strong message to Premier Wynne to protect our water against corporate control and exploitation. Inspired by the Foodstock and Soupstock events, Waterstock promises to be a bold, impactful, and historic day full of artisanal food and beverage, music, artistic displays and protest. Waterstock will be the tipping point, a ‘watershed’ moment, demonstrating broad and far reaching support for the “Water for Life not Profit” campaign. It’s not just about bottled water. Nestlé and other large corporations have exploited outdated provincial water taking bylaws that were originally intended for agricultural and value-added industrial use. Water is sacred but is becoming rapidly commoditized, ‘bottled’, and shipped around the planet for great profit, (to return, if ever, to our watersheds packaged in a piece of plastic.) The record drought of 2016 highlighted the urgency of the situation and how 2017 is the year to make a stand for water. Farmers and communities face increasing water uncertainty, and recent polls illustrate the strong support for phasing out water permits for the purposes of bottling. Over 20,000 Ontarians have spoken clearly in support for the Province to take action. It is time to take a stand and be stewards of our farmlands and aquifers. Your participation is essential for success.


Reel Activism: Toronto Transit
Monday, June 12, 7-9 p.m.
Friends House, 60 Lowther Ave. (near St. George subway station) 
Join us as we discuss Toronto's transit system with TTCriders- your voice for transit.


Campaign 2000 invites you to a Public Forum on Canada’s Poverty Reduction Strategy
Monday, June 12, 6:30 - 9 p.m.
Steel Workers Hall, 25 Cecil Street
Campaign 2000 and partners have called for a federal anti-poverty strategy for decades. Now, the federal government is in the process of developing a federal Poverty Reduction Strategy - but the public consultation phase will end June 30th. The priorities of people living in poverty and their allies must be heard by government. Come make your voice heard loud and clear! Everyone welcome! 
http://bit.ly/2r6TY6G) or call: 416-595-9230 ext. 244 or email liyugu at familyservicetoronto.org 


More Talk, Better Rock: Reducing the Impacts of Aggregate in Ontario
Tues. June 13, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Black Creek Pioneer Village, Victoria Room, 1000 Murray Ross Pkwy, North York
For the first time ever, Cornerstone Standards Council (CSC) certified aggregates are available to developers, municipalities, and construction companies for the same price as non-CSC aggregates. Join Environmental Defence, Cornerstone Standards Council, CRH Canada and Lafarge to learn how socially and environmentally responsible aggregates can improve community relations and reduce negative environmental impacts in Ontario. By choosing to buy certified responsible aggregates your organization can be part of this change.


SolarShare AGM and Solstice Party
Wed. June 14, 7 p.m.
Palmerston Library Theatre
All members are encouraged to attend and meet one another, celebrate SolarShare's new solar PV installations (and the summer Solstice of course!), and find out what's coming up in the next few years. As well, members will have the opportunity to vote to fill 3 available positions on the Board of Directors. Can't make it in person? SolarShare will share the presentation online on June 15. You can also vote electronically by emailing info at solarbonds.ca. 


Taking the Lane: Gender and Cycling in Toronto
Thursday, June 15, 6 - 7:30 p.m
Parkdale Library, 1303 Queen Street West
This panel seeks to unpack our city's cycling past, where we need to go, and who is missing from the conversation. The question is: how do we get more women and girls cycling? This event aims to highlight that many women and GNC people in the city do not feel comfortable cycling due to unsafe streets (a lack of infrastructure) coupled with a lack of outreach.


School's Out Party 2017 - with TREC Education
Thur. June 22, 6:30 - midnight
Steam Whistle Brewing, 255 Bremner Boulevard
Join hundreds of attendees for a night of memorable entertainment and networking. This fundraiser is a must-attend for energy and environment professionals and a welcome change of pace from the conference circuit. All funds raised support renewable energy education programs in Canada.


Arundhati Roy - Toronto Book Launch
Thur. June 22, doors 6:30, event 7:30 p.m.
Bloor Street United Church, 300 Bloor Street West 
Toronto book launch for Arundhati Roy's new novel, "The Ministry of Utmost Happiness." $8


Conscious Minds Camp
August 5 - 19. Join us for 3 days, one week or the full two weeks
Cobourg Scout Reserve, carpooling arranged
Fee: Offer What You Can
Ages: 13-30, young families are welcome
Apply by: July 5th
A cooperative leadership experience created by and for youth and young adults who want to cultivate healthy and resilience communities. CMCamp is a space to ground ourselves in nature and community, vision the kind of world we want to live in, and strategize how to get there at the individual and collective level. With the guidance of Elders, we play and experiment together, honing in on our individual passions and practicing the skills we need to step more fully into cooperative and respectful living. 
www.consciousmindscamp.org / instagram: @conscious_minds /  facebook: Conscious Minds Co-op / email: consciousmindscamp at gmail.com / phone: 905-717-0765


5th Annual Toronto Island Lake Swim
Sunday, August 20, 11 am - 5 pm
Centre Island Pier Toronto Islands
The Toronto Island Lake Swim is an annual favourite for open water swimmers around the lake.  Hop on the ferry to Toronto Island and take part in one of three races, all starting at Centre Island Pier. The event offers a 750m, a 1.5km, and a 3.8km swim. If you aren’t swimming come down to the beach to cheer on hundreds of athletes and enjoy the fun and festive beach atmosphere.


The Green Majority
Live Eco Radio Show every Friday from 11 am - Noon CIUT 89.5 FM greenmajority.ca

Three Women
Feminist Radio every Monday 4 - 5 p.m.
CIUT 89.5 FM


Centre for Social Innovation Events


Shape My City Events


Hot Docs
Bloor Cinema (Bloor and Bathurst)


NOW magazine hosts a very comprehensive online events listing 


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greenspiration at web.ca
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