T.O. Greenspiration Events: Energy Democracy

Angela Bischoff angela at cleanairalliance.org
Sun Apr 29 19:41:13 EDT 2018


☢ Canada – Sign the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons 

Last year 122 member states of the United Nations voted to approve the text of a Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, but the Nuclear Weapons States voted against it as did most NATO countries including Canada. This petition asks Canada to sign the Treaty. Deadline to sign is May 8.







30 second animation by the NFB






BP Canada given the go-ahead to start drilling off Nova Scotia coast

BP: "I believe that this activity can happen off our coast in an environmentally-friendly way." Until it isn't. Oops. And what exactly is environmentally friendly about offshore drilling?






Close the gender pay gap!

In recognition of Equal Pay Day, the Equal Pay Coalition asks you to send a strong message to the Ontario government to take bold action to close the gender pay gap. Canada’s latest Census shows Ontario women on average make 71 cents for every dollar a man makes – they face a 29% gender pay gap.






Ban plastic bags in Toronto 

Petition to pass a by-law to ban stores from selling single-use plastic bags. Canadian cities like Montreal and Victoria have already passed bylaws to prevent stores from selling single-use plastic bags -- it's time for Toronto to do the same.






Climate Justice and the Provincial Election

The Ontario election is a short 8 weeks away, and we need your help to make sure climate justice issues matter. Our provincial government is in a unique position with its jurisdiction over energy, public transportation and labour to make consequential decisions for our future. We can’t wait four more years, we need the people of Ontario to start talking now.






Stop the Kinder Morgan bailout

Right now, Trudeau is considering using your tax dollars to bail out Texas oil giant Kinder Morgan’s floundering pipeline and tanker scheme. Petition.






A primer to incel culture, the possible motive for the Toronto attack



Violent misogyny found in 'incel' is a form of terrorism

Good CBC podcast.



Facebook post linked to Toronto van attack points to insular, misogynistic world of 'incels'



Incel, the misogynist ideology that inspired the deadly Toronto attack, explained



Petition: Stop "incel" hate speech from becoming violence

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau, Reintroduce Section 13 of the Human Rights Act, so we can stop online hate speech from becoming real-life hate crimes. Canada is the only western country in the world without human rights laws banning cyber hate speech






Toronto's film industry grows, but at what cost?

Here's an article about the billions of taxpayers' dollars being poured into the Port Lands to create a priceless new waterfront community - that then will be dominated by huge unattractive and windowless film studios. The studios should be built instead in other areas of Toronto that are desperate for local employment, and the city should stick to the plan for a few film studios on the Port Lands but mostly a lot of housing, businesses and public space including parks. Unfortunately this seems to be another case of big business taking precedence over what's right for most Torontonians.






Mayworks Festival

April 25 – May 5

The 33rd edition of Mayworks Festival of Working People and the Arts will take place from April 25 – May 5, 2018 (a few events start earlier), at various locations in Toronto. This year’s multidisciplinary program connects our past and current struggles for decent work with our dreams for a better world in the future.






How to Save the World in a Hurray

Our upcoming forum has one specific purpose: to pick the 25 potentially most effective public policy innovations for reducing the risk of six huge global threats: • war and weapons (especially nuclear); • global warming • famines • pandemics • massive radiation exposure • cyber attacks. We are listing possible proposals now and I invite you to contribute your own suggestions. Since everyone in the world is invited to contribute ideas, there are several strange suggestions on the long list now. On May 30 - 31, the attendees will hear expert appraisals, then discuss them and pick the 25 best policy innovations. For details and registeration: 






Some antidepressants linked to dementia risk

Scientists say doctors should consider weaning patients with depression, Parkinsons or bladder problems off anticholinergic drugs






TLC and Temporary Foster Care needed for a foxhound

Shadow, a foxhound, is almost 5 years old, very scared of vehicles, trains and noises from trains and backing up vehicles. Shadow comes along with lots of dog food but no funding for her much needed volunteer foster care. Her shots are up to date. Her owner is hospitalized for an indefinite length of time. If you can care for Shadow for a spell, please call Dianne at 416-551-7259.





Looking for May – August housing – sublet preferred. 

Contact: Veronique Merritt veronique.merritt at utoronto.ca




Hot Docs: Canadian International Documentary Festival

Thur. April 26 - May 6

Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema, TIFF Bell Lightbox, Innis Town Hall and other venues.






Right To Housing Forum

Mom. Apr 30, noon - 3 p.m.

Metro Hall, 55 John (at King)

Join us for a discussion on what is needed to fix Ontario's affordable housing crisis and what a human rights-based approach to housing should look like. Panelists include Leilani Farha (UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing) and Ontario housing advocates. Free.






☢Three Women Discuss Nuclear Power

Mon. April 30, 8 - 9 p.m.


Angela Bischoff, Brennain Lloyd, and Pippa Feinstein talk about the risks of nuclear reactors with host Metta Spencer for Peace Magazine.






Right to Housing Community Forum

Monday, April 30, Lunch noon - 1 pm; Speakers 1 – 3 pm

Metro Hall, 55 John Street, (Rotunda)            

Our federal government has promised to fix the affordable housing crisis with the recently announced National Housing Strategy. They announced billions of dollars of investments, which will require cost-matching by the provinces and territories. What will the Ontario government do to make sure we don't lose these funds? The federal government also promised to recognize that housing is a human right. But what does that mean? How can we hold our government accountable to their promise? Join us for a discussion on what is needed to fix Ontario's affordable housing crisis and what a rights-based approach to housing should look like. Free.






GTA Greens Pub Night

Tuesday, May 1, 7 - 10 pm.

Pour Boy, 666 Manning

Join Greens from around the Greater Toronto area to drink and scheme as we gear up for the official start of the provincial election. Find a campaign to volunteer with, find volunteers for your campaign, exchange ideas, and have fun!






May Day Gathering

Tues. May 1, 7 - 9 p.m.

United Steelworkers Hall, 25 Cecil Street

The May Day Gathering is a celebration of labour arts and the work of the labour movement as a whole. We welcome everyone to join us for a free reception which includes exhibitions of The Poor People’s Campaign and Future is Caregiving.






Toronto350: Ontario Elections & KM

Tues. May 1, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Steelworkers, 25 Cecil St

Anyone and everyone interested in climate health, indigenous rights, and environmental justice is welcome at our weekly meetings! At this meeting we will quickly debrief the former week's actions against the Kinder Morgan pipeline before launching into discussions surrounding the upcoming provincial elections. Our current campaign aims to put pressure on candidates to adopt a climate platform, as well as for constituents to demands this from their leaders. This discussion will lead into future events being planned to continue countrywide opposition to Kinder Morgan, including one upcoming on May 9th. If you want to get involved with climate justice, now is definitely a fantastic opportunity!






☢Help us Shut Down Pickering

The Pickering Nuclear Station is one of the world's oldest and largest nuke stations, and it's sitting in the middle of millions of people. OPG is now requesting a 10 year license extension. We need your help to call for its closure in August when its license expires. Greenpeace is organizing two webinars this week to help people make a submission before the CNSC (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission), June 26 - 28.

The first is on Wednesday May 2, 7 pm. You can register here: https://bit.ly/2r1nf0O 

The second is on Saturday May 5, noon. You can register here: https://bit.ly/2Juc1J8 

If you can’t attend, here’s a backgrounder with more information on how to make a submission: https://bit.ly/2r6qMKw 

And here’s a Q and A on the risks of OPG’s plan: https://bit.ly/2JAzIiX 

If you have any questions, or need help with your submission, please feel free to email me at shawn.patrick.stensil at greenpeace.org 

And please sign the petitions: www.Close-Pickering.ca and www.BuyQuebecPower.ca 





Sarah Climenhaga Mayoral Campaign Launch

Fri. May 4, 7 - 10 p.m.

The Pilot, 22 Cumberland St.

What kind of city do you want to live in? How about a Toronto with safe streets, better transit, more housing, and increased opportunities for all to live, work, play and contribute to our city? Please join Sarah Climenhaga to celebrate the beginning of the journey to a better city for all people. Free. We will be collecting donations at the door to help finance the campaign for a genuinely affordable and truly liveable Toronto!






Energy Democracy 

Fri. May 4, 1:15 p.m. 

90-minute webinar about the emerging field of energy democracy, a movement that frames the struggle of working people, low income communities, and communities of color to take control of energy resources and use those resources to empower their communities.






Ensuring Universal Access to Energy

Fri. May 4, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

63 Gould Street, Oakham House, Ryerson University, Thomas Lounge (ground floor)

Come to the LIEN (Low-Income Energy Network) annual conference to find out:

- Why electricity prices are rising

- Where to obtain information on free energy conservation and efficiency retrofit programs to help you lower your electricity and gas bills

- How to apply for financial assistance to help you pay for your electricity and gas bills

- About energy as an aspect of the right to housing






Jane's Walk

Fri. - Sun. May 4 - 6

Various venues 

Annual festival of free, community-led walking tours inspired by urban activist Jane Jacobs. Explore your city, share stories about your community and connect with your neighbours on any of Jane's Walks taking place across the GTA. Free.



Who Cleans Up After Us?

10:30 a.m. - 11 :45, and 2 – 3:15 pm

Nathan Phillips Square, by the first letter “T” in the TORONTO sign

This Walk will bring to light the immense scope of the City’s waste logistics, debunk the myths of your recycling, composting and garbage, and uncover the opportunities for greater diversion from landfill.





I Work, Therefore I Am

Saturday, May 5, 1 pm

St. Jamestown Library, 495 Sherbourne St.

The Tamil Workers Network is presenting a community forum in partnership with Toronto Public Library. The forum will talk about the new minimum wage increases, sick days and how to best support yourself and your colleagues when faced with discrimination. Presenters will conduct the forum in English and Tamil.

For more information email kkulendiren at labourcouncil.ca 





Upping the Anti Presents: The Labour Party

Sat. May 5, 9 p.m. - 2 a.m.

163 Sterling Rd

Comrades, let's celebrate May Day and CUPE 3903's strike!






Indigenous Knowledge And Ecology

Sun. May 6, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.

Northrop Frye Hall, 73 Queen's Park Cres

Illustrated lecture by Deborah McGregor, Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Environmental Justice at York U. Free.






Protest against BigMedia® censorship

Monday, May 7, 5 - 7 p.m.

CityNews, 33 Dundas East

CityNews is hosting a rigged Leaders Debate on May 7th. The Green Party has not been invited, even though they got 233K votes in the last election, they have seats in three provinces, a seat in Ottawa, and they hold the balance of power in BC! Out of 20 registered parties in Ontario, four get an annual public subsidy, due to their public support at the ballot box. That includes the Green Party of Ontario. If voters are already funding the Greens, don't they deserve to hear what they have to say? This kind of arbitrary exclusion represents a complete abandonment of the most basic principles of journalism and political bias. BigMedia® censorship must be challenged and opposed. Join us on May 7th, outside the #FakeNews debate. We'll bring the green tape!







For the best Canadian climate and energy news, subscribe to the Energy Mix newsletter






The Green Majority

Live Eco Radio Show every Friday from 11 am - Noon CIUT 89.5 FM



Democracy Now

Mon – Fri. 10 – 11 a.m. CIUT 89.5 FM






Centre for Social Innovation Events






Hot Docs

Bloor Cinema (Bloor and Bathurst)






NOW magazine hosts a very comprehensive online events listing






Subscribes, unsubscribes and submissions: angela at cleanairalliance.org 




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