T.O. Greenspiration Events: Being the change

Angela Bischoff angela at cleanairalliance.org
Mon Oct 8 13:57:31 EDT 2018


This is the week to comment on Bill 4 - Ontario's Cap and Trade Cancellation Act

Deadline for comments is Thur. Oct. 11.

And if you wish to speak to the committee the deadline to apply is Tuesday Oct 9th.

Background information can be found on the ClimateFast website: www.climatefast.ca/vocal 


Action Required: Reject Ford's Climate Cancellation Bill

If Bill 4 passes, it will eliminate the only climate policy we have. It will cancel pollution pricing. It will erase emissions targets. It will scrap all funding for energy saving solutions. Finally, under pressure, the PC government opened a public consultation on Bill 4. So we have until October 11 to tell Premier Ford that we reject his climate cancellation bill. We need everyone who cares about the future of our planet to take part in this consultation and demand a real climate plan. Click here to make a submission. Here are some suggestions of what to say:

I want a real climate change plan to reduce emissions, help people save energy and create jobs in the $26 trillion clean economy.

I want Ontario to put a price on pollution, making polluters pay for their emissions and returning the revenues to the pockets of Ontarians so they can lower their carbon footprint.

I want legally binding emissions targets in line with our obligations to the Paris Climate Agreement.

I want Ontario to be 100% powered by renewable energy including water power from Quebec.

I want Ontario to end subsidies and handouts for fossil fuel companies and redirect this money to clean energy solutions.



You can also comment at this link set up by Greenpeace:



Committee hearings (two days)

·         Mon 15 Oct – 9:00-10:15am AND 3:00-6:00pm

·         Wed 17 Oct –9:00-10:15am AND 3:00-6:00pm





Major Climate Report Describes a Strong Risk of Crisis as Early as 2040

It's worse than we thought. The report, issued on Monday by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a group of scientists convened by the United Nations to guide world leaders, describes a world of worsening food shortages and wildfires, and a mass die-off of coral reefs as soon as 2040 — a period well within the lifetime of much of the global population.






Progress Toronto - Election 2018 Action Plan

In the new term of city council and the TDSB, we will need to organize to win key votes. This election matters to our work. To build a more progressive city, we need to unseat some of the most conservative politicians and get progressive candidates elected so that we can win council and school board votes.

- we surveyed candidates running for city council and the TDSB asking them to commit to progressive priorities for Toronto 

- we reviewed voting and attendance records of incumbents nominated as villains

- we narrowed it down to 14 wards - 6 city council and 8 TDSB school board wards. This includes working to unseat 5 of city council’s worst councillors.

Check out our full Action Plan for this election here: https://www.progresstoronto.ca/campaign-2018-action-plan  

Please sign up to volunteer: https://www.progresstoronto.ca/volunteer   

Chip in $15 to help us win: https://www.progresstoronto.ca/campaign2018   




Toronto Council Renewal Project (TCRP) is made up of volunteers who are interested in disseminating information to residents, on pertinent issues for their ward, that will aide them in making an informed voting choice in the municipal election on Oct 22.  





Vote for a Greener City for All

This campaign is hosted by TEA (Toronto Environmental Alliance)





Parks Platform 2018: Investing in a strong park system for all of Toronto






The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly on NAFTA 2.0

Analysis by the Council of Canadians






The Anthropocene – special exhibit

On till Jan 6th, 2019

AGO - Art Gallery of Ontario, Dundas and McCaul

A major new contemporary art exhibition that tells the story of human impact on the Earth through film, photography, and new experiential technologies. From the collective of photographer Edward Burtynsky and filmmakers Jennifer Baichwal and Nicholas de Pencier.






Sign the Declaration of Peace 

I understand that wars and militarism make us less safe rather than protect us, that they kill, injure and traumatize adults, children and infants, severely damage the natural environment, erode civil liberties, and drain our economies, siphoning resources from life-affirming activities. I commit to engage in and support nonviolent efforts to end all war and preparations for war and to create a sustainable and just peace.






How War Threatens the Environment

One of the most destructive of human behaviors, war is a leading contributor to the growing global environmental crisis. This World BEYOND War webinar took place on September 27. We heard from experts Gar Smith and Tamara Lorincz about how war – in all its stages, from the production of weapons through combat – pollutes land, air, and water, and drains limited natural resources.






How Bogotá’s Cycling Superhighway Shaped a Generation

Cyclovia: 120 kilometres of tarmac becomes car-free space from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Sunday and holiday. Bogota’s current mayor Enrique Peñalosa said that “a quality city is not one that has great roads but one where a child can safely go anywhere on a bicycle.”






The Republican Party 'seems to actively hate women'

Thank you Michael Enright.






Tell Trudeau to scrap the Saudi arms deal for good






Being the change - A New Kind of Climate Documentary

Tuesday, October 9, 6:30 pm

Annette Branch Library, 145 Annette St.

Peter Kalmus, an atmospheric scientist, shares how he has reduced his carbon footprint to 1/10th that of the average here in the western world. Being the Change explores the connections between our individual daily actions and our collective predicament. It merges science, spirituality, and practical action to develop a satisfying and appropriate response to global warming. The core message is deeply optimistic: a world without fossil fuels is not only possible - it will be better. Free.






Toronto’s October Homeless Memorial

Tuesday, October 9, noon - 1 pm

Outdoors at the Church of the Holy Trinity, 9 Trinity Square (behind Eaton's centre, south of Dundas)

This monthly memorial is followed by a lunch indoors.





How to Make a Revolution 

Wednesday, October 10, 4:30 - 7 p.m.

U of Toronto Faculty of Social Work building, 246 Bloor St. W. Rm 100,

(corner of Bloor St. W. and Bedford Road, between the Tim Horton's restaurant and the OISE parking lot), at St. George Subway Station 

Speaker: Barry Weisleder, union organizer, teacher, editor and federal secretary of Socialist Action Canada

Sponsored by Socialist Action U of T

For more information call: 647-986-1917

or visit:  www.socialistaction.ca 




What Deal of the Century? The Final Resolution

Wednesday, October 10, 7 pm

Friends House, 60 Lowther Avenue

Palestinian human rights lawyer, Jonathan Kuttab, examines the present configuration of regional forces and international personalities leading to the current sorry outlook for justice and peace for Palestine and Israel. He is concerned by what he sees as the continued erosion of human rights for all Palestinians under Israel’s control and the rightward shift of Israeli society and state. Yet he is still hopeful that the present forces can be undone and situation reversed with our help.







Oct. 10-11 

Held at York U

Canada's largest convergence of climate activists. Organized by Climate Action Network Canada.






Rendezvous With Madness Festival 

Where Art, Film & Minds Meet

October 10 - 21

Rendezvous With Madness is the largest — and first — mental health multidisciplinary art festival in the world. Film. Performance. Visual Art. 






Reel World Film Festival

Oct. 9 – 14

Empowering emerging Indigenous and racialized storytellers to showcase films which inspire social change.  Reelworld Film Festival is dedicated to harnessing the power of film and storytelling for social good. As a platform for underrepresented voices, Reelworld showcases Canadian and International films that explore some of the most current and pressing issues facing our world today. In addition to hosting industry panels, workshops and talks, Reelworld showcases narrative features, documentaries, shorts, music videos, episodic content and VR/360 films that spark conversation and fuel social impact. 






When The Storm Fades

Thur. Oct. 11

Famous Players Canada Square Cinema, xxx

In 2013, Mother Nature unleashed the most powerful typhoon in history on the Philippines. Surviving relatives try to put their lives back together. The filmmaker’s treatment of grief is poetic, but the real skill lies in its biting docu-dramedy style, by casting two foreign aid workers who fumble hysterically as white saviours. It was Executive Produced by Naomi Klein, The Yes Men and Mark Achbar (director of The Corporation and Noam Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent). It was filmed on Leyte Island in the Philippines.






Rally: Expropriate 214-230 Sherbourne

Thur. Oct. 11, 1 p.m.

Dundas as Sherbourne

If the owners won’t sell to the City, the City must take the properties over – expropriate them – and build social housing. The owners still get paid but the end result is housing for poor people, and not another gentrifying condo. 26 organizations have signed an open letter calling on the City to expropriate. It’s time.






Ford and Council: Diversity our Strength?

What Ford’s Attack on Toronto City Council Means for Diversity and Inclusion

Thursday, Oct. 11, 3 - 5 pm

Sidney Smith Hall, 100 St. George Street, Room 5017A, U of T

Candidates from underrepresented communities explain how a more inclusive council was frustrated by the Conservative imposition of 25 wards. Join the discussion about what can be done during and after the October 22nd municipal election. Speakers include:  - Chris Moise, Cheryl Lewis Thurab, Jamaal Myers Council Candidates - Prabha Khosla - Women Win Toronto. Organized by the Centre of Criminology and Sociolegal Studies





2018 Ontario Climate Symposium - Adaptive Urban Habitats by Design

Thur. Oct. 11 - Fri. Oct. 12

OCAD University, 100 McCaul St.

Adaptive Urban Habitats by Design aims to generate important discussions surrounding the role that art and design can play in developing adaptive, low carbon cities. Through interactive panel discussions, documentary screenings, art installations, mixed-media presentations and exploratory tours, the Symposium will showcase real-life examples of how technology, policy, green infrastructure and strategic design can come together to transform cities.






Expropriate 214-230 Sherbourne: Community Rally

Thursday, October 11, 1-2 pm 

SW corner of Dundas and Sherbourne

If the owners won't sell to the City, the City must take the properties over - expropriate them - and build social housing. The owners still get paid, but the end result is housing for poor people, and not another gentrifying condo. 23 organizations have signed an open letter calling on the City to expropriate.






Nature & Me | Relationship status: “It’s complicated”

Thur. October 11, Doors open at 6:45 p.m. Presentation begins at 7:15 p.m.

Tickets: $20 / $15 for students and seniors

Royal Ontario Museum, University and Bloor

For many of us, our everyday connection to nature isn’t what it used to be. What does that mean for our quality of life? What does it mean for nature? Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on our complicated relationship with nature and how it stands to impact our future.






Climate Law in Our Hands - Ideas sharing with a BC fossil fuel accountability campaign

Friday, October 12, 10 am - 12:30 pm

Friends House, 60 Lowther

You're invited to a discussion with Andrew Gage, Staff Lawyer, and Anjali Appadurai, Climate Communications Specialist, of West Coast Environmental Law. Are you inspired by communities that are challenging the fossil fuel industry, including through lawsuits against Chevron and Exxon? Do want to strategize ways to make your existing climate campaigns have a global impact or to build conversations about the local impacts of climate change?

Contact us at (604) 328-6443 or aappadurai at wcel.org







Friday, Oct. 12, 7 p.m.  

OISE, 252 Bloor St. W., Rm 5-150  

A government clerk on election duty in the conflict-ridden jungle of Central India tries his best to conduct free and fair voting despite the apathy of security forces and the looming fear of guerrilla attacks by communist rebels.  Mihraj A., a Socialist Action member from India, will lead off the discussion. $4 donation. Part of the Rebel Film Series presented by Toronto Socialist Action.






Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup

Sat. Oct. 13, 10 a.m.

Earl Bales Park, Sheppard and Bathurst, meet in front of stadium

Make the shoreline clean for my community. Save animals. Meet like-minded people. Get outside & appreciate nature. Create awareness around the trash we produce. Organized by EcoSchools and Sierra Club Ontario.






Toronto Run & Roll Against Violence 

Sun. October 14, 9 a.m.

High Park 

The Toronto Annual Run & Roll Against Violence is a 5K race held by the Toronto Rape Crisis Centre/Multicultural Women Rape (TRCC/MWAR). The TRRAV is a fun, accessible opportunity for runners, walkers and people of all abilities to come together to build a healthy community and support survivors of sexual violence.  Funds raised will go directly to survivors of violence through our Face-to-Face counseling, Court Support and Accompaniment and Public Education Campaigns and Workshops.






October 15 Day of Action! Message to Doug Ford - Hands off Workers Rights

Mon. Oct. 15, 12:30 pm 

Ministry of Labour, 400 University Avenue

Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) 15 Gervais Drive, Suite 202

The $15 minimum wage and decent work legislation, such as paid sick days, equal pay rules and laws to make it easier to join a union, are all up for grabs. The minimum wage increase is currently scheduled to come into effect on January 1, 2019. Now more than ever, we need to continue to campaign to keep it from the hands of the big business lobby. On October 15, we will be taking action in PC ridings. Sign up here:







Mayoral Forum on Affordable Housing & Homelessness

Mon. Oct. 15, 6:30 - 8:30 pm (Doors open at 6 pm)

OISE Auditorium, U of T, 252 Bloor Sreet West

Find out where mayoral candidates stand on addressing Toronto's affordable housing and homelessness crisis, who has taken the Toronto Affordable Housing Pledge, and which candidates are committing to making your right to housing a reality.






Planet in Focus - 19th Annual Environmental Film Festival

Oct. 25 - 28



Point of No Return 

Saturday Oct. 27, 1 pm 

Innis Town Hall, 2. Sussex Ave, U of T

In 2015, two Swiss pilots took on the groundbreaking feat of flying the world's first solar powered plane around the world. Point of No Return follows their amazing flight in The Solar Impulse aircraft. A delicate machine, vulnerable to the slightest of changes in weather, the “Solar Impulse” takes them on a risky and unpredictable flight. This film beautifully demonstrates what renewable energy has to offer for the future of air travel but also makes us wonder how much more we can achieve on land. It is a flight of the imagination made real. Co-presented by: Ontario Clean Air Alliance






For the best Canadian climate and energy news, subscribe to the Energy Mix newsletter






Centre for Social Innovation Events






Hot Docs

Bloor Cinema (Bloor and Bathurst)






NOW magazine hosts a very comprehensive online events listing






Subscribes, unsubscribes and submissions: angela at cleanairalliance.org 

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