T.O. Greenspiration Events: Harnessing the Power

Angela Bischoff angela at cleanairalliance.org
Sun Nov 11 23:19:36 EST 2018


Bill Nordhaus, The Nobel Prize, Climate Change And Carbon Taxes

Nordhaus is relatively agnostic about whether the best mechanism is a direct tax on carbon or its cousin, a cap and trade system. But either way, he has argued that nations must raise the price of fossil fuels to protect the climate, a global public good. If not, firms, individuals, and even countries will free-ride, taking the benefits of using fossil fuels without paying for their environmental costs. 





A made-in-Ontario climate change plan

The ON gov't is asking the public for their ideas on key areas of focus to address climate change.

Offer your suggestions here: https://www.ontario.ca/form/tell-us-your-ideas-climate-change 

For more background, see these suggestions from enviro groups: 

Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE) has some tips here for what to say in your comments broken down by sector: https://cape.ca/action-alert-have-your-say-on-ontarios-new-climate-plan/  

The Ontario Clean Air Alliance highlighted four GHG reduction options for Ontario to include in its upcoming plan here: http://www.cleanairalliance.org/four/  

Environmental Defence offers their top six suggestions for inclusion in a climate change plan here: https://environmentaldefence.ca/2018/10/25/six-actions-that-should-be-part-of-ontarios-new-climate-plan/   





Stop Nestlé, support proposed hold on new bottling permits

Take a minute to show your support for extending the ban on new or expanded water bottling permits in Ontario. It’s as simple as clicking “yes” on this poll. By taking action, you’re sending a clear message to the government that the protection of our water resources is more important than lining the pockets of big bottlers.






Applications are now open: City of Toronto’s neighbourhood grants

Do you have an excellent community event idea? Apply for a City of Toronto neighbourhood grant for up to $3,000 in funding. Great opportunity for community groups to engage their neighbourhoods in TransformTO-related climate actions, in areas such as energy efficiency, active transportation, and urban greening. Deadline for online applications is December 4, 2018.






Groundswell Community Justice Trust Fund is raising money from those who have to support the amazing work being done by groups such as No More Silence, BLMTO Freedom School, Education Not Incarceration and many many more – you can make an investment in grassroots movements by visiting:






Healing Ozone Layer Shows Why Environmental Treaties Matter

“The Montreal Protocol is one of the most successful multilateral agreements in history for a reason,” Erik Solheim, head of UN Environment stated in the press release. “The careful mix of authoritative science and collaborative action that has defined the Protocol for more than 30 years and was set to heal our ozone layer is precisely why the Kigali Amendment holds such promise for climate action in future.”






The Anthropocene – special exhibit

On till Jan 6th, 2019

AGO - Art Gallery of Ontario, Dundas and McCaul

A major new contemporary art exhibition that tells the story of human impact on the Earth through film, photography, and new experiential technologies. From the collective of photographer Edward Burtynsky and filmmakers Jennifer Baichwal and Nicholas de Pencier.






Environmental Health, Transformative Public Health Promotion and Policy Change: Education Toward Social and Ecosystem Healing

CHL7001H S2       WINTER 2019

Course Length:     Half course credit 

Location                  155 College Street   Room   HS 108   (on the main floor just off the lobby) 

Day and Time        Thursdays,  5-8 pm  First class is January 10th  

Course Instructor   Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg, PhD, MES.

Anyone interested can call me 416 960 4944 or email me dorothy.goldinrosenberg at utoronto.ca. I can send you the course description.





The State of Mining Today

Mon. November 12, 12:30-1:30 Lunch and solidarity action, 1:30-4:30 Presentations and discussion

Friends House, 60 Lowther Ave.

Presentations will address various topics including the Mount Polley (BC) and Mariana (Brazil) tailings dam disasters as well as corporate impunity and regulatory capture.

Sponsors: Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC) at York University, MiningWatch, Amnesty International, Kairos, Corporate Mapping Project, Centre for Social Justice






Remembering Metro Days of Action 

Monday, Nov. 12, 7 pm  

Steelworkers’ Hall, 25 Cecil Street

For two days in October 1996, Toronto was shut down with massive protests against the harsh new policies of Mike Harris' Conservative government. That was one of eleven Days of Action across Ontario in those years. As Ontario faces shockingly similar initiatives from the Ford government in 2018, it's time to reflect on what was tried and what was accomplished in confronting neo-liberal agenda two decades ago.






Justice for Migrant Workers

Mon. Nov. 12, 7 – 8:30 p.m.

Toronto Reference Library, Beeton Hall

Join Gabriel Allahdua, organizer and former migrant farm worker from St. Lucia, Chris Ramsaroop, activist and labour organizer, and award winning filmmaker Min Sook Lee, for a discussion of the issues and struggles facing migrant workers in the fields, farms and greenhouses of Southern Ontario.






We Remember, Lest We Forget Those Who Lost Their Lives To Homelessness in Toronto and Ontario

Tues. November 13, Noon 

Church of the Holy Trinity, behind Eaton's Centre, off Dundas/Bay

Monthly homeless vigil followed by lunch.






Stolen Childhood, Stolen Identity: The Lasting Shadow of Jewish and Indigenous Traumas

Tues. Nov. 13, 5:15 - 7 p.m.

OISE Peace Lounge, 7th floor, 252 Bloor W.

Panelists will address both the common and unique forms of trauma experienced by their community’s most vulnerable members: the children. Jewish children during the Holocaust, children of survivors, and Indigenous children — whether in residential schools or victims of the '60s scoop and the ongoing child welfare crisis — faced similar destinies in the loss of their identities, whether forced to conceal and abandon their religion, culture, languages or traditions. Their vulnerability and suffering continues years after these catastrophic events took place. 






The 3 Rs Lifestyle: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Everyday

Tuesday, November 13, 7 - 8 pm

Annette Library, 145 Annette St. 

This training will cover the 3Rs - Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle - why are they important, how it impacts the environment, and what the community is doing to help increase their usage. Learn tips on how to reduce the amount of waste as well as information on city services and proper sorting. Information on free or low cost programs, services and resources available around the city will also be provided.





What is needed in a climate action plan for Ontario

Wed. Nov. 14, 6:30 p.m

Friends House, 60 Lowther Ave.

1st part: 6:30 – 8 pm. Presenters Nancy Palardy of the Environmental Commissioners' Office, Keith Stewart of Greenpeace, Sarah Buchanan of Environmental Defence and a speaker from the Labour Education Centre

2nd part: 8 – 9:30 pm. Prepare your input for the consultation (due Nov 16th), learn how to meet with your MPP write letters to the editor with Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL) Cheryl McNamara and Sharon Howarth

For more info: 416-731-6605. lyn at climatefast.ca

To give input to the consultation by November 16th: https://www.ontario.ca/form/tell-us-your-ideas-climate-change  

Please copy your comments in an email to your MPP: https://www.ola.org/en/get-involved/contact-mpp 

Event: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/what-needs-to-be-in-ontarios-climate-plan-forum-and-training-event-tickets-51985372649  





Losing Life on Earth - How do we avoid this?

Wednesday, November 14, 7 pm

Swansea Town Hall, 95 Lavinia Ave., Rousseau Room

During our planet’s 4.5 billion-year history, there have been five large species’ extinction events. Today in the Anthropocene (a new era shaped by humans) we are witnessing a sixth mass extinction. Globally, wildlife populations have declined by 58% since 1970. The things driving this unprecedented decline - habitat loss, climate change, pollution, and human use - are due to human activities, especially since the industrial revolution. It’s up to us to turn things around. Dr. Pete Ewins, WWF Canada Lead Specialist in Species Conservation, will focus on what this means for future generations, and what exactly WE must do NOW to reverse the decline of wildlife, starting in our own Toronto neighbourhoods. Free.






Townhall on Cuts to OW and ODSP

Wed. Nov. 14, 6 - 8 pm,

St. Luke's United Church, 353 Sherbourne Street

The Ford government is getting ready to announce a series of changes to social assistance. The announcement, due by November 8, is widely expected to introduce sweeping cuts to OW and ODSP. Since coming to power, Doug Ford has already cut the rate increase to OW and ODSP in half and suspended a series of beneficial changes that were scheduled to come in this fall. When the announcement comes, it will likely be designed to create confusion and sow division. So join us to make sense of the proposed cuts, to break the isolation, and to talk about how we're going to fight back. Dinner provided.  ocap.ca 






Rally: Support Postal Workers

Wed. Nov. 14, noon – 1 p.m.

430 Parliament St.

The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) is currently on strike. Postal workers are demanding much needed improvements in wages and working conditions, gender equity, and expanded services like postal banking. Their long term vision, Delivering Community Power, calls for services for seniors and rural communities, and action on climate change. After almost a year of talks, Canada Post refuses to negotiate in good faith. On Monday, October 20, postal workers began rotating strikes to minimize disruption while still putting pressure on Canada Post to negotiate a fair collective agreement.






Intersectional Climate Organizing, Roll Up Your Sleeves and Join the Movement

With Maya Menezes, Senior Manager Development, The Leap and No One Is Illegal (UofT alum)

Wed. Nov. 14, 12:10 p.m., SS 2127, U of T

The migrant and refugee crisis, violence against marginalized peoples, government purchased oil pipelines, austerity, white nationalism, right wing extremism and oh ya…the IPCC report says we have 12 years left to live. Feels a little overwhelming doesn’t it. What does an intersectional climate movement look like and how do you get involved. We need to re-imagine the economy, grow movements from the grassroots, participate in elections as harm reduction and roll up our sleeves with public education. The time is past for incremental change, it’s time to Leap.





Adding Formal Public Legal Processes to the Activist's Toolkit

Thur. Nov. 15, 6 - 9 p.m.

Claude T. Bissell Building Room 114, 140 St George Street 

This workshop will outline different legal processes that are available to the public in Ontario and how they may be a good addition to your advocacy toolkit. Together we will explore and discuss various publicly available legal avenues to advance diverse types of advocacy and activism. We will work to demystify the research and presentation processes involved in making presentations to different levels of government and regulators. This workshop hopes to leave participants with some helpful practical resources to assist with these processes moving forward.







Harnessing The Power of Energy Storage

Thur. Nov. 15, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.

Centre for Social Innovation - Annex, 720 Bathurst Street, Meeting Room #4 (3rd Floor)

The workshop will provide participants with an overview of energy storage technologies for both electric power and thermal energy. Energy storage technologies include pumped hydro, batteries, hydrogen, flywheels, compressed air and thermal tanks / district energy loops. 

Real world case studies will be used to describe how the technologies are deployed in a practical way. Applications will include time shifting and intermittent renewable energy technologies.






The Communist Manifesto as Graphic Novel

Thur. Nov. 15, 7 - 8 pm.

Toronto Public Library - Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge Street

This year marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx. Come see Martin Rowson, one of Britain's best known editorial cartoonists, present his graphic novel adaption of The Communist Manifesto, and discuss the enduring legacy of this work.







Nov. 12 - Dec. 24. Opening reception: Thur. Nov. 15, 6 - 9 p.m.

Connections Gallery, 1840 Danforth Avenue

Since 2007, Phil Jessup has been photographing landscapes vanishing due to climate change that we can save if we take the right steps. The exhibit will feature recent images from coastal marshlands and barrier islands endangered by sea level rise that governments and NGOs are striving to conserve.






Effective Activism for a Peaceful and Sustainable World

Fri. Nov. 16, 2 - 4:15 p.m.

George Ignatieff Theatre, 15 Devonshire Place, U of T

We face a world of dangers, from environmental collapse and populist autocracy to nuclear threats. Voting is not enough. Technology will not save us. Collective, organized, civic action is needed. Keynote speaker Ray Acheson accepted the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of an international coalition to ban nuclear weapons. Hip hop artist Mohammad Ali will perform songs. Six activists drawn from a variety of social movements will discuss the dynamics of effective activism. Hosted by Science for Peace






How to Change the World

Socialist Action Education Conference

Fri. - Sat. November 16 - 17

Woodsworth Residence, 321 Bloor St. W., Room 25, lower level.  (at St. George station on the Bloor St. subway line).

Friday, November 16, 7 p.m.  How to Defeat Doug Ford, and contend with the NDP and Labour Bureaucracy  

Saturday, November 17, 1 p.m.  The Rise of Authoritarianism and the working class response. 4 p.m.  Capitalism and Patriarchy – the Marxist alternative to identity politics. 7 p.m.  Boycott Apartheid Israel – Is it time for a coordinated, Pan-Canadian, mass action movement? 

Admission:  $5 per session; $10 for weekend pass, or PWYC.

www.socialistaction.ca   Or write to:  socialistactioncanada at gmail.com or call:  647-986-1917  or  647-728-9143  for more information.





Stick it to Ford: Defend Our Communities

Sat. Nov. 17, 1 -2 pm 

Deco Labels & Tags, 28 Greensboro Drive, Etobicoke

On November 17, the Ford Conservatives will further their gruesome vision for Ontario at their party convention. Their government "for the (rich) people" has already attacked social assistance, job protections, minimum wage, healthcare, education, and environmental safeguards. They're not finished. In two weeks, they'll announce a series of sweeping cuts to Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program. Ford's vision for Ontario is a grim one for ordinary people: where we are paid less but must pay more for services; where business executives and owners get richer by forcing the rest of us to work with fewer job and unemployment protections; where the rich unite in their quest to exploit and pit the rest of us against each other in a struggle to survive. On November 17, we will demonstrate that attempts to "open Ontario for business" on this basis will be blocked. To make sure Ford gets the message, we'll start with an action at Ford's own business: Deco Labels and Tags. Lunch Provided. Register for buses here.







Toronto People's Assembly on Climate Justice 2018

Sat. Nov. 17, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Multi-Faith Centre, 569 Spadina, U of T

Join us to co-create a day-long climate justice event, featuring workshops, panels, and assemblies on 5 key themes - Indigenous sovereignty and self-determination - Labour and economics - Migrant justice - Violence against people and land - Food, medicine and sustainable alternatives.






The Sunrise Storyteller - Toronto Film Premiere 

Sat. Nov. 17, 1 pm

WE Global Learning Centre, 339 Queen St. E.

Award winning documentary about what it takes to be a global citizen. Find hope. Be resilient. Take action. By young Toronto film maker Kasha Sequoia Slavner. Co-sponsored by Canadian Voice of Women for Peace.






I Was a Catholic Zionist

Book launch by Ted Schmidt

Sunday, Nov 18, 2 pm

Basilian Centre for Peace & Justice, 95 St. Joseph St

Ted Schmidt returns with his most recent book about his journey with the Jewish community in Toronto. Three years in research and three trips to Palestine his book, I Was a Catholic Zionist, traces his evolution from a downtown Jew-loving Catholic who cheered Israel’s 6-Day War in 1967 to one who understood Zionism as a settler colonial movement which dispossessed the indigenous people of the land. "The deeper I researched this brutal history through the eyes of several “Jews of conscience” the more I became alarmed by what Zionism was doing to Judaism






The Fight to Rebuild and Improve Public Health Care

Sunday, November 18, 3 pm

Steelworkers Hall, 25 Cecil Street 

On the campaign trail in the lead up to the 2018 Ontario election, the right-wing conservative Doug Ford raised problems with the provincial health care system and promised his constituents that “help is on the way.” Now that Ford is Ontario’s conservative Premier, he is not helping the health care system, but putting it–and this vital public service–on the chopping block. Ford is placing our health and the health of our families in the hands of those whose primary concern is to profit, not to meet our needs. How do we stop this? How can we organize to collectively improve rather than privatize and destroy this public good? The last time anything threatening as this happened in Ontario, the labour movement responded with the Days of Action.  What can we learn and creatively adapt from that experience? Join Natalie Mehra and Michael Hurley for a discussion about Ford’s threat to the public health care system in Ontario, and what we need to do to secure, rebuild and improve public health care for all.






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Centre for Social Innovation Events






Hot Docs

Bloor Cinema (Bloor and Bathurst)






NOW magazine hosts a very comprehensive online events listing






Subscribes, unsubscribes and submissions: angela at cleanairalliance.org



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