No Nukes News: Confessions of a Rogue Nuclear Regulator

Angela Bischoff angela at
Fri Jan 11 15:20:38 EST 2019


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Jan. 11, 2019

☢ While Ontario's prices for nuclear continue to rise, Quebec has a large and rising supply of low-cost water power available to export to Ontario at a fraction of the cost of our nuclear. Permier Ford - let's make a deal with Quebec!

The World

☢ Confessions of a Rogue Nuclear Regulator A shocking exposé from the most powerful insider in nuclear regulation about how the nuclear energy industry endangers our lives—and why Congress does nothing to stop it. Book by Greg Jaczko – past chair of the NRC (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission). Here’s an article explaining why Former NRC chairman remains clearly opposed to nuclear energy. And here's a commentary by Dr. Gordon Edwards.

☢ What’s the Green New Deal? The Green New Deal will convert the decaying fossil fuel and nuclear economy into a new, green economy that is environmentally sustainable, economically secure and socially just. The Green New Deal starts with transitioning to 100% green renewable energy - no nuclear or natural gas - by 2030. Will Nuclear Advocates Undermine It? 

☢ Cancers, Abortions, Deformed Children are the High Cost of ‘Clean’ Nuclear Energy in Jharkhand Some 9,000 people here - almost a quarter of the population - are suffering from congenital deformities, leukemia, and various forms of cancer.

☢ Poisoned water and deadly dust Navajo community contaminated by uranium suffers loss of loved ones and livestock

☢ Radioactivity Risks Superb video discussion on radioactivity and the medical effects of atomic radiation (1h17m). Discussants include Metta Spencer, Science for Peace; Dr. Richard Denton, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War; Dr. Gordon Edwards, Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility; and Angela Bischoff, Ontario Clean Air Alliance.

☢ The Economic Viability of Nuclear Power Is Only Going Down We shouldn’t continue to squander public dollars on a technology that will never make economic sense. We should divert resources into improving and deploying wind, solar, energy efficiency and energy storage technology that we know will keep the lights on, effectively reduce carbon emissions and cost what we can afford to pay. 

☢ UK's dream is now its nuclear nightmare Nobody knows what to do with a vast uranium and plutonium stockpile built up in the UK by reprocessing spent nuclear fuel. It is now a nuclear nightmare.Ontario

☢ Electricity price alert On January 1st Ontario Power Generation (OPG) raised its price of nuclear power by 7% to 8.8 cents per kWh. As a result, the price of nuclear power has doubled since 2002. To add insult to injury, OPG has told the Ontario Energy Board that it needs to increase its price of nuclear power by a further 88% between now and 2025 to pay for the re-building of its Darlington Nuclear Station.

☢ How a nuclear reactor at Pickering got shut down by accident in Ontario It's as easy as pushing a button! "These computers were designed back probably late ’50s, early ’60s when those types of things were not thought of. So these are just very simple computers. There’s actually a picture in Appendix B that you can see and there’s actually just two push buttons and if you hit the wrong one you do turn off that computer.” Close-Pickering and BuyQuebecPower

☢ Stockpiling anti-radiation pills in more Toronto schools Toronto schools within 50 kms of the Pickering nuclear station could soon be given stores of anti-radiation pills for students to take in case of emergency — as those near the Bruce nuclear station already do.Renewables and Conservation

☼ A comprehensive review of the feasibility of 100% renewable-electricity systems Nuclear power faces feasibility problems, such as the finiteness of uranium resources and a reliance on unproven technologies in the medium- to long-term. Energy systems based on renewables, on the other hand, are not only feasible, but already economically viable and decreasing in cost every year.

☼ These 100 cities are ready for 100% renewable energy

☼ German renewables surpass 40% of electricity generation in 2018 while renewables account for 52% of Portugal's consumption in 2018

☼ Up in the Air 17 min. film about the White Pines windfarm in Prince Edward County, ON. With four of the nine turbines up and ready to capture wind energy, the ON gov't recently halted the project. Please also sign the petition to save the windfarm.

☼ Renewables are getting cheaper but energy efficiency, on average, still costs utilities less Energy efficiency – the kilowatt-hours we avoid by eliminating waste – remains our nation’s least-cost resource. So too in Ontario where efficiency investments are just a quarter the price of existing nuclear.Take Action!

☢ Please contact Premier Ford and ask him to buy low-cost Quebec water power and cancel the high-cost Darlington Re-Build Project. Premier Ford’s cell phone # is 416-805-2156. His email is Doug.Ford at Click here to send him a message now.
☢ It’s Time to Make Electricity Savings Real This pamphlet explains how the Ford Gov't can follow through on its promise to lower electricity bills by making a deal to import low-cost power from Quebec. Order free copies from us to distribute to your Ontario friends and neighbours. Eligible for volunteer hours for school or community service.

☢ Petition to Premier Ford Premier Ford must develop a strategy to ensure that Ontario rapidly becomes a world leader in the production and use of EVs (electric vehicles) and other low-carbon technologies.

☢ Canadian Government must protect our rivers from radioactive waste Please sign the petition to protect the Ottawa and Winnipeg Rivers currently threatened by three Canadian Nuclear Laboratories’ (CNL’s) nuclear waste dump proposals.

☢ Calling Citizen Scientists for Radiation Collection Project We’re looking for citizen radiation monitors interested in contributing to citizen science, and for funders whose support can help make the technology possible for those who can't afford it. For more info see here. If interested (either as a participant or as a funder), please contact mcneill.janet at

☢ Sign our petitions to Close Pickering and to Buy Quebec Power. And share them with your friends. Watch our 2 min. video here.

☢ Order your free KI (anti-thyroid-cancer) pills here if you live within 50 km of an ON nuclear facility - that includes all of Toronto and beyond. Download your anti-thyroid cancer posters here to post in your office, school, or local cafe.Events

☢ Militarism in the Media Webinar Tues. Jan. 15, 8 - 9 p.m. EST. Militarism, violence, and war are pervasive in pop culture and the entertainment industry. The mainstream news media largely refuse to critique skyrocketing military spending and the vast negative impacts of perpetual warfare. 

☢ Renewable Energy 100 Q&A Webinar Sun. Jan. 27, 2 - 3 p.m. EST. Join renewable energy experts for an informal Q&A session: Energy efficiency for your home; Various types of renewable energy technologies; How to determine which technology best fits your need.
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