T.O. Greenspiration Events: The Great Transformation

Angela Bischoff angela at cleanairalliance.org
Sun Nov 17 22:38:12 EST 2019


The great transformation: How to achieve a ‘Green New Deal’ for Canada - by Jeremy Rifkin

The world is running out of time to avert a climate catastrophe, but businesses have the technology to lighten our carbon footprint, and young people have the political will to make that happen. Does Canada have the courage to act? The Age of Resilience is now before us. How we adapt to the new planetary reality that faces humanity will determine our future destiny as a species. We are fast approaching a biosphere consciousness. We need to be hopeful that we can get there in time.






Uranium processing plant in Toronto's west end applies for 10-year licence renewal 

Hey Toronto: This plant at Lansdowne and Dupont processes about 53% of all the nuclear fuel used in Canada's nuclear reactors. Drums of yellowcake uranium dioxide powder are trucked into the facility and transformed into pellets for use in fuel rods at the Pickering and Darlington reactors. A company spokesperson says it has "no plans" to phase out operations in Toronto. The facility has released 46.2 grams of uranium into the air and 3.62 kilograms of uranium in the sewer system over the past five years. If breathed in or drunk, this uranium can cause cancer. God forbid we have an accident at the plant located in a dense urban neighbourhood in central Toronto.


Join the Facebook page to stay up to date on this issue: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1025Lansdowne/ 





Fossil Production, Inefficient Buildings Make Canada a Global Climate Laggard

Canada shows up as one of the world’s biggest climate laggards in the Climate Transparency consortium’s annual Brown to Green report, with energy-inefficient buildings and fossil-intensive Alberta and Saskatchewan accounting for much of the country’s failure to curb its greenhouse gas emissions






Green Budget Coalition Urges Ottawa to Acknowledge Cost of Climate Impacts

It urges “scaled-up fiscal action to address the climate emergency, including eliminating fossil fuel subsidies and allocating major funding to building energy efficiency, transportation, community energy, international climate financing, nature-based solutions, and marine shipping, plus a number of complementary measures, including on carbon pricing, the Sustainable Finance report, and a just transition for energy sector workers”






Brazil Crude Oil Calamity Spells Warning for Canada

Superb piece written by Paul McKay about the oil spill off Brazil, and the similar dangers faced by the west coast of BC. This tragic picture from faraway Brazil triggers a foreboding chill for those living in the southern BC coast.






Extinction Rebellion Members Blockade Private Jet Terminal Used by Wealthy Elites in Geneva

"We want to denounce this completely absurd means of transport since a private jet emits twenty times more CO2 per passenger than a conventional airplane."






Cut your card. Grow the record.

Banks are financing trillions of dollars into the fossil fuel industry worldwide. We had enough. On September 26 2019, protestors in Victoria BC were the first to set the record for most bank cards cut up at once, moving their money into credit unions that do not invest in the fossil fuel industry. We are challenging people in other cities around the world to become a part of history, break the record, and challenge other cities to surpass the benchmark you set. We are sending a clear message to the banks that they cannot continue to operate by supporting an industry that is destroying our planet.






Learn more about Canada's oil

Canada's oil sector is complex - with many types of production, and many types of oil. As the world adopts measures to deal with climate change, this sector of our economy will also change. This section provides an overview of common vocabulary, and the projected changes to global demand. Facts compiled by Environmental Defence.






Live Q&A with Naomi Klein

Mon. Nov. 18, 5:30 p.m.


For this conversation, Naomi will be joining us live, in conversation with Avi Lewis, to answer all of your burning questions about On Fire and the Green New Deal. We’ll hear stories about the book tour, reflect on how Naomi’s previous writing speaks to the current political moment, and discuss which parts of the book have resonated the most for you. Bring your questions and thoughts for this final session — and thank you for book clubbing with us!






Reporting the voiceless: Mainstreaming marginalized issues in the media

With the 2019 Marshall McLuhan Fellow - Philippines, Patricia Evangelista

Mon. Nov. 18, 6 p.m.

St. Michael's College, U of T, 81 St Mary Street, Basilian Common Room, Brennan Hall (2nd floor, east side entrance)

Patricia Evangelista discusses her experiences in covering the various underreported issues in the Philippines, its implications on those in the margins, challenges, and efforts to bring to light the difficult and unpopular stories. Her discussion will also underline the significant role media play as a social conscience and one that influences public policy and action. Her presentation would also like to discuss the question: “In a time when human rights and other fundamental freedoms in the Philippines are under the spotlight, what should journalists do to responsibly communicate the stories of those in the margins?”






Mining, Injustice, And Women: Issues for Canadians

Mon. Nov. 18, 1 - 3 p.m.

Bloor Street United Church 300 Bloor W

Discussion of abuse and injustice associated with Canadian-registered mining companies, including in sub-Saharan Africa. The Grandmothers Advocacy Network hosts Rachel Small (Mining Injustice Solidarity Network), Jim Davis (Kairos) and Erin Simpson (past Counsel, Canadian Network for Corporate Accountability) will discuss Canadian global mining practices, impacts on women and families, and avenues to limit harm and increase corporate accountability.






The Borderless Citizen Project

Mon. - Wed. Nov. 18 - 20

Harbourfront Centre 235 Queens Quay W

Harbourfront Centre and British Council, in association with the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, proudly present The Borderless Citizen Project, a three-day conference exploring human migration through the lens of culture, leadership and public policy. The Project will bring together artists, creative thinkers, civic leaders and policy makers to investigate and explore forced migration, climate change, displacement and their effects on communities globally. Free.






Making the right choice for Pickering's waterfront

Tues. Nov. 19, 7 p.m.

George Ashe Library & Community Centre, 470 Kingston Rd., Pickering

Join the discussion about revitalizing the 600-acre waterfront site currently occupied by the Pickering Nuclear Station. After shutdown in 2024, OPG plans to let the 6 nuclear reactors sit idle for 30 years before dismantling. We're calling for immediate dismantling of the station after shutdown in 2024. 


Watch the event livestreamed or view the archived video of the event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2544776925809442/ 





International Law and World Order

Tues. Nov. 19, 7 - 8:30 p.m.

15 King's College Circle, UC 144, U of T

Recently the bulletin of the atomic scientists set the doomsday clock to the closest point to midnight it has ever been. This was justified by the triple threats of nuclear war, climate change, and the decline of democracy. In this talk I would like to suggest a fourth justification for this reset: The precipitous decline in the effectiveness and respect for international law over the last two decades culminating with the election of Donald Trump. Hosted by Science for Peace.






What’s next for climate change after the election?

Tues. Nov. 19, 2 - 4 p.m.

1st floor Boardroom/Round Room/Library, 315 Bloor Street West

Climate change and climate policy were key issues in the October election and while the re-election of a Liberal government promises some stability in national climate policy, the political landscape is such that the future of Canadian climate policy is uncertain. The Liberal minority government clearly received a signal that climate change is important to the Canadian electorate and the necessity of support from parties with even more aggressive climate priorities could push the government towards more far-reaching ambitions and policies. Of course, the Liberal minority government also clearly received a signal that climate policy is unpopular in the prairies and Alberta and the provincial-federal relationship will continue to be a fraught one on this file. So, with the new cabinet set to be sworn in on November 20 and the next global climate meeting kicking off shortly after on December 2, hear a conversation about the prospects for Canadian climate action with 4 Canadian experts.






Rethink Waste Action Partners

Tues. Nov 19, 6 - 10 p.m.

MaRS Discovery District, 101 College Street

Why is the goal of a zero waste, circular economy future so important to the sustainability of business and society? $150 






No Pipelines! End Canada's Invasion on Wet'suwet'en Land

Tues. Nov. 19, 8 - 10 a.m.

Meeting outside TC Energy Office (Royal Bank Plaza, 200 Bay St) outside Union @ 8am, march to TD (TD Bank Tower, 66 Wellington St W) and march to BMO (BMO Bank of Montreal, 100 King St W)            

In this era of “reconciliation”, Indigenous land is still being taken at gunpoint.

For ways to support: http://unistoten.camp/supportertoolkit/ 






Insights from the Third Industrial Revolution - on Canada's Green New Deal with Jeremy Rifkin

Tues. Nov. 19. 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm      

Innis Town Hall, 2 Sussex Ave, U of T

In his latest book “Green New Deal”, Jeremy Rifkin will address how Canada can address climate change and set the agenda for a bold political movement with the potential to revolutionize society. Rifkin predicts the collapse of the fossil fuel civilization by 2028, resulting in 100 trillion dollars in stranded fossil fuel assets and the rise of a Third Industrial Revolution post-carbon era. He warns that Canada, currently the fourth largest producer of crude oil in the world, will be caught in the crosshairs between the plummeting price of solar and wind energy and the fallout from peak oil demand and accumulating stranded assets in the oil industry and will need to establish a bold Green New Deal economic vision if it is to adapt and prosper.






City Hall and TDSB 101

Tues. Nov. 19, 6 - 9 p.m.

Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, 2nd Floor, Committee Room 2

Knowing the decision-making process at City Hall and the Toronto District School Board is a key tool to advocate, influence decisions, and organize to win. Join TDSB Trustee Stephanie Donaldson, 2018 Candidate for TDSB Trustee Phil Pothen, and Progress Toronto's Executive Director Michal Hay to learn more about the legislative process, who the key players are influencing decisions, and how you can have your say. 






Opportunity Lost? A Call to Global Action In The Age Of Trump

Tues. Nov. 19, 7 p.m.

Hart House, 7 Hart House Circle, in the Great Hall, U of T

In an era of rising populism, cynicism and challenges to the post-war institutions of the West, what’s a good global citizen to do? Featured speaker Stephen Lewis, opening remarks by Michele Landsberg and panel discussion to follow. $10 (stu free).






Climate Action Town Hall

Wed. Nov. 20, 7 - 9 p.m.

University Settlement Auditorium, 23 Grange Road (Dundas & McCaul)

MPP Chris Glover invites you to join him for a Climate Action Discussion in the Spadina-Fort York riding. Protecting the environment and addressing climate change are two of the most important issues we face today. What can YOU do TODAY to combat climate change? Our panelists will provide answers to your questions. I'm speaking alongside several other panelists working on city climate issues.






A Bee New Deal: Moving Past Socio-Cultural Challenges in Pollinator Conservation

Wed. Nov. 20, 12:10 - 2 p.m.

Pollinator declines have become one of the most ubiquitous environmental problems discussed among policy-makers, ENGOs and the public over the past decade. As such, resource-intensive programs and policies have been developed to “save the bees”. However, these initiatives often focus on specific narratives influenced by industries which do not always align with science. They also do not consider other knowledge systems, nor do they use a social justice framework. Dr. Colla will talk about where we’ve gone wrong in our attempts to save bees despite intense political and public will, and she will explain how we can move forward to conserve them and the ecosystem services they provide.






Ontario Basic Income Lobby Day

Wed. Nov. 20

Queens Park

This is a one-time request for support in reaching out to our MPPs (Members of the Provincial Parliament). OBIN is hosting the first Basic Income Lobby day in Canada at Queen's Park on November 20. We are hoping that it can be replicated across many provinces, and federally, next year so support is important. We have established a GoFundMe page to help offset the cost of hosting a reception for MPPs on that day. The day will feature meetings with individual members and groups of MPPs in the morning that will be hosted by OBIN members. There will be a reception in the late afternoon/early evening which is where the expense comes in. We are hoping to establish working relationships with members and help dispel some myths about basic income and why it is a requirement to assure that all citizens of Ontario can live with dignity. 






Want to learn about fossil fuel subsidies in Canada?

Wed. Nov. 20, 2 - 3 p.m.. 

Webinar hosted by Environmental Defence

Join Zoom Meeting






World in Revolt

Thursday, Nov. 21, 7 - 9 pm

OISE, 252 Bloor Street West, Room 5270

Uprisings across the globe have erupted against corruption and economic crisis. Chile, Lebanon, Hong Kong, Haiti, Iraq, Catalonia and Ecuador are only some of the major scenes of class struggle between millions of working class protesters against a rich minority. What are these movements fighting for? How can they be successful? And how do they affect our struggle in Canada?






Action Alert: Tell the City that People on Bikes Need Protection on Downtown Yonge Street

Thursday, Nov. 21, Drop-in anytime from 4 - 8 p.m.

Central YMCA, Auditorium, 20 Grosvenor Street (just south of Wellesley St. W.)

Cycle Toronto has been advocating for bike lanes on Yonge Street for many years and now we have the opportunity to see a bold, car-free vision for downtown Yonge St. The City has been studying four potential options for the reconstruction of Yonge from Queen to College. We need your help to ensure cycling safety and well-designed shared space between people walking, rolling, and biking is a priority in the plans on Yonge to help fill large gaps in the City’s cycling network.

Find out more here: https://www.cycleto.ca/news/downtown-yonge 

Take the city survey here: https://yongetomorrow.metroquest.ca/ 





How is the public to know? When regulators lose sight of their public role

Thurs. Nov. 21, 7 - 9 p.m.

Ryerson University, Room 103, Rogers Communications Centre, 80 Gould Street

Are Canadian regulatory agencies allowing themselves to be captured by those they regulate – Health Canada by drug companies, Transport Canada by the airlines and railways? National Energy Board by the oil industry. What does that mean for our health and safety and quality of our environment? What can be done? Join a panel of experts who have looked carefully at this issue in Canada and have chilling stories to share as well as some remedies.






Inhuman Power: Artificial Intelligence and The Future of Capitalism

Friday, Nov. 22, 6:45 - 9 pm

WAC, 720 Spadina Ave, 2nd floor (suite 202)

Toronto book launch. An exploration of the relationship between Marxist theory and Artificial Intelligence! Artificial Intelligence (AI) has seen major advances in recent years. While machines were always central to the Marxist analysis of capitalism, AI is a new kind of machine that Marx could not have anticipated.





The Global Housing Crisis: Why Can't We Afford To Live In Our Cities

Fri. Nov. 22, 5:30 - 9 p.m.

Centre for Social Innovation 192 Spadina

National Housing Day event featuring a screening of the documentary Push, followed by a fireside chat about the financialization of housing that has led to our current crisis. Free/pwyc. 

Push (2019) follows United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Housing Leilani Farha as she explores the global phenomenon of the commodification of housing, and consequent affordability crisis we are experiencing: pushthefilm.com






Ontario Health Coalition » Health Action Assembly & Annual Conference

Sat. Sun. Nov. 23 - 24

Sheraton Centre, 123 Queen Street West

With mounting health cuts and an upcoming federal election, the Ontario Health Coalition's Health Action Assembly & Conference will be our opportunity to regroup and plan our strategy to protect and expand public health care for all in light of the challenges ahead. Our members and affiliates, local health coalitions, and allies will gather to discuss the context, identify key issues and debate strategy.






Picket Against NATO International Security Forum

Sat. Nov. 23, 1 - 2 p.m.

Yonge and Wellington corner

This is a solidarity action to join the people who are protesting the NATO International Security Forum in Halifax, Nova Scotia. In Toronto, we will meet outside the NATO Association of Canada office (48 Yonge) to stand against the military alliance and to call for peaceful, nonviolent security policies. Join us for this picket as we say No! to this war conference and stake our claim on Canada as a Zone for Peace!





Veg Holiday Market

Sun. Nov. 24, 11 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Artscape Wychwood Barns, 601 Christie Street

For the 3rd year, the Toronto Vegetarian Association is excited to host the Veg Holiday Market - a fully vegan market with gifts that give back! Start the day by pursuing unique cruelty-free wares with your friends and family, attending a veg workshop or two, and staying into the evening to enjoy a delicious treat, fireside, with your favourite seasonal music playing in the background.






Strange Weather: The Science & Art of Climate Change

Mon. Nov. 25, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Campbell Conference Facility, Munk School of Global Affairs, 1 Devonshire Pl, U of T

Without artists and humanists, science is frequently lost in translation; while artistic work that disregards science risks irrelevancy. The Science & Art of Climate Change – a one day symposium – will bring together climate scientists, humanists and artists to bridge this disciplinary gap.






Global Strike for Climate Justice

Fri. Nov. 29, 11:30 a.m., march at noon

Queens Park, Toronto

In the wake of the federal elections, it is crucial for us to hold our newly elected officials accountable to their electoral promises, and to push all levels of government to be more ambitious in their climate action. On November 29th, be ready to strike, take the streets and mobilize to continue putting pressure on our governments.






Transport Futures – Transportation Equity Summit

Mon. Dec. 9, 8:45 a.m - 4:45 p.m. (registration @ 7:45am)

Innis Town Hall (U of T), 2 Sussex Ave.

The transportation system is supposed to provide universal access to jobs, goods, services and leisure activities. However, people have different incomes, needs and abilities so some gain better access than others. Join international experts and 100 delegates to discuss how demographic, geographic, design, environmental, safety, legal and fiscal “equity lenses” should be applied to transit and road planning.






For the best Canadian climate and energy news, read and subscribe to the Energy Mix newsletter






Centre for Social Innovation Events






Toronto Public Libraries host Our fragile Planet, free environmental and community events






Hot Docs

Bloor Cinema (Bloor and Bathurst)






NOW magazine hosts a very comprehensive online events listing





Submissions, subscribes, unsubscribes, and comments: mailto:angela at cleanairalliance.org


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