Greenspiration Events: Just Recovery for All

Angela Bischoff angela at
Sun May 24 23:07:28 EDT 2020






A Global Green New Deal: Into the Portal, Leave No one Behind

Recording of Arundhati Roy and Naomi Klein on how we move from crisis to justice and build a Global Green New Deal. (starts at 8 min.) 


Don't Sacrifice Privacy in Response to Covid-19

Governments must take extraordinary action to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, but that shouldn’t mean increased surveillance that threatens our privacy and undermine our rights. The International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group has released seven guiding principles for all levels of government to follow when making these important decisions – starting with the need to only bring in tracking tools as a last resort. Watch their great 4 min. video and then sign their petition here.


Noam Chomsky on COVID & Economy

1-hour interview 


Podcast on the humble bicycle

An anti-virus weapon that promotes clean air, mobility, health, cost savings, safety and social distancing.







We’re building a movement for a just recovery for all

Hundreds of Canadian organizations have endorsed these 6 principles for a just recovery that puts people first.


Canada’s two-year window to decide on climate justice or militarism

The Canadian government has previously committed to increase spending on the military from $18.9 billion in 2016-17 to $32.7 billion in 2026-27, with total spending over a 20-year period of $553 billion on a cash basis. A key pillar of that spending is the planned purchase of 88 fighter jets that would cost $19 billion plus up to $300 million a year to service. I say spend those billions on wind turbines, not weapons.


Alberta Energy Regulator suspends environment monitoring for oilpatch over COVID

Greenpeace Canada said it isn't aware of any other jurisdiction in the world that has gone as far as Alberta to roll back environmental protections during the pandemic, including the United States under President Donald Trump.  


To rebuild the economy after COVID-19, we'll need more government, not less

There's no way that the market economy is going to snap back from this catastrophe. It's going to need a post-war reconstruction program just like we had after World War II, and that implies a much larger role for government going forward... What it comes down to are the political choices that we make as a society — what we're going to mobilize resources for. - Jim Stanford, Economist


Revitalizing the Canadian Peace Movement

The peace movement is much more than violence against other countries - it's also about violence against women, the environment, the poor, and those imprisoned. This must be an inter-sectional movement. Spending trillions on war diverts precious resources away from peace, people, and the planet.


Get My City Growing During COVID-19

Canadians are getting their hands dirty — it’s time for city mayors to dig in, too. Ask your mayor to join your community in building a food resilient city.







Help our climate by phasing-out Ontario's gas plants

The GHG pollution from Ontario’s gas-fired power plants will increase by more than 300% by 2025 as the province uses gas to replace aging nuclear plants. We have a better plan for Ontario to keep the lights on while shifting to renewable power and phasing out gas - water power from Quebec, aggressive conservation, and made-in-ON renewables. Send a letter to Doug Ford and the leaders of the opposition parties here. 







Build bike lanes on Bloor, Danforth & Yonge now and lower speed limits - petition 


50 community groups ask Toronto to install 100km of bikeways along transit routes


Toronto in Crisis - It’s Time for a New Deal for Toronto

The City of Toronto is in crisis. Just as hundreds of thousands in Toronto struggle to make ends meet, COVID-19 emergency spending to keep people safe, alongside decades of underfunding, has pushed our city to a financial breaking point that will mean the loss of local services. Mayor Tory has announced deep cuts to the TTC, childcare, fire services, libraries, shelters and more - if Toronto doesn't get the support it needs. This petition is asking for a new deal for Toronto with the Federal and Provincial governments so that we can break the cycle of underfunding and growing inequality in our city. 







Preparing for the Food and Nutrition Security Impacts of COVID 19

Tues. May 26, 10 a.m. EST

Stakeholder perspectives from the front lines of the food and nutrition security response to COVID-19, in Canada and around the world.   





Opening up -- what are the next steps for progressive movements?

Tues. May 26, 8 p.m. EST

With provinces starting to open back up, and revisiting stricter restrictions and measures, our next webinar will ask what are the next steps for progressive movements. How will what we do now have an impact on the future? What about ideas like the universal basic income, or the Green New Deal? And what will this mean for workers, with special attention on both gendered and racial dynamics? Hosted by 





Nuclear Waste Campaign Kick-off in Ottawa Valley

Tues. May 26, noon EST

Do you have concerns about nuclear waste at Chalk River, in our watershed, and beyond? Join Ottawa Riverkeeper for the launch and unveiling of a brand new campaign which will push our elected officials to make the changes we need to protect our waterways. Find out how you can help make a difference.





Amnesty International Town Hall: Gender and COVID-19

Tues. May 26, 7 p.m. EST

Not all women, girls, and gender diverse people are experiencing the pandemic in the same way. Women with disabilities, refugee and migrant women, Indigenous and minority women, LBTI women, women experiencing discrimination based on work, and women living in poverty face heightened risks of discrimination, violence, and other rights violations.


Register for webinar: 

Watch livestream: 





Community Food Hubs: Feeding Resiliency and Connection

Tues. May 26, noon EST

This webinar will dive into barriers, opportunities, and unique funding models that can apply to community hubs of all sorts across the country. These centres move beyond food relief in a mandate to share land, infrastructure and resources, and to centre the well-being and connection of communities that food and land can provide. 





Surveillance Capitalism Meets the Coronavirus Shock Doctrine

Thur. May 28, 4 p.m. EST

Naomi Klein and Shoshana Zuboff discuss the dangers of surveillance capitalism in the post-coronavirus world — and how we might be able to use this moment of crisis to inspire change for the better. 





The Global Shift to Healthier Plant-Based Food and Beverages 

Thur. May 28, 1:15 - 2:15 p.m. EST

Join Frances Moore Lappe speaking about world hunger, expanding the global food system toward low impact food, and responsible government and food security lessons from the pandemic. 





The Truth About Venezuela 

Thursday, May 28, 7 p.m. EST

Featuring Carlos J. Ron Martinez, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, with Barry Weisleder, Emily Steers, James Spencer and others.    





Informational webinar on workers' rights during COVID-19

Thur. May 28, 7 - 8:30 pm EST

Can you refuse unsafe work during the pandemic? Do you qualify for new CERB eligibility rules that include students, part-time workers or workers on social assistance? Are you worried your boss is treating you unfairly? Co-hosted with the Fight for $15 and the Workers Action Centre, we’ll provide participants up-to-date information on workers rights, as well as how workers can organize and advocate for their rights. 





What should a green stimulus package look like? 

With Catherine McKenna, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities 

Thur. May 28, 7 p.m. EST

Hosted by National Observer.

RSVP to Janel at support at   





Capture the Wind workshop

Thur. May 28, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. EST

Best suited for kids ages 8-12, but open to everyone. Relay Education’s mission for over 10 years has been to provide learning opportunities to youth about renewable energy, energy conservation, climate change and green careers.





Electrifying the Economy: Reducing Carbon while Creating Jobs

Thursday, May 28, 1-2 p.m. EST

The climate change debate is often dominated by doom and gloom headlines.  The idea of electrifying our economy offers a positive vision of the future.  Widespread electrification of energy, industry and transportation could create huge numbers of new jobs and dramatically reduce climate changing emissions.





#NoWar2020: Divest, Disarm, Demilitarize

Conversion for a peaceful, green and just future

May 28 - 30 


Nonviolence Strategies – 101 Solutions to Violence, Terror, and War. 

Thur. May 28, noon EST 

War is not a rational response to conflict in a time of climate chaos. Learning from real life examples of successful nonviolent interventions, participants will brainstorm and share creative alternatives to armed violence.


Shutting Down Weapons Expos and Weapons to Windmills: Economic Conversion from a War to Peace Economy

Fri. May 29, 3 - 6 p.m. EST


Open Mic

Sat. May 30, 3 - 5 p.m. EST





The New Authoritarians and COVID-19

Fri. May 29, 1 p.m. EST

The years since the 2008 crash have seen a rise of authoritarian, right-wing politics across the globe. The many representatives of this ascendent current include Trump in the US, the UK’s radicalized Conservative Party, Modi in India, Bolsonaro in Brazil, and Orban in Hungary. Now, its representatives are faced with a pandemic, the impacts of which on our social, economic, and political systems – as well as on human life itself – are already vast.   





Fridays for Future holds Weekly Climate Strikes

Fri. May 29, 11 a.m. - noon EST

Livestreamed webinars with different speakers lead by youth.  





Fair Vote Canada Annual Conference 2020 

May 29-30

Speakers on proportional representation vs. first-past-the-post voting systems. 





The Condor and the Eagle – Online Film Screening and Discussion

Sunday, May 31, 5 - 7 p.m. EST

The Council of Canadians is proud to partner with Indigenous Climate Action to bring you an online screening of the award-winning documentary The Condor and the Eagle. The film follows four Indigenous leaders embarking on a transcontinental adventure from the Canadian boreal forests to the heart of the Amazon jungle to document the Indigenous struggle to protect the land and water. The film screening will be followed by a lively discussion with updates from the front lines of many Indigenous struggles across North and South America.   





Project Save the World Invites You to Join Our Monthly: Global Town Hall 

Sunday, May 31, 2 - 4 p.m. EST

On the last Sunday of every month, Peace Magazine and Project Save the World hold a Global Town Hall meeting by Zoom for activists everywhere in the world. This time we will discuss our plans for society in the aftermath of the pandemic. We record these two-hour conversations and post excerpts on our website:   

Please join us at: 

Facebook Event Page:





For the best Canadian climate and energy news, read and subscribe to the Energy Mix newsletter 


And for the best global perspective: DESMOG - Clearing the PR Pollution that clouds climate science 





Centre for Social Innovation Events    





Toronto Climate Action Network Events 





NOW magazine hosts a very comprehensive online events listing     




Submissions, subscribes, unsubscribes, and comments: mailto:angela at




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