Greenspiration News & Events: Unearthing justice

Angela Bischoff - OCAA angela at
Mon Oct 5 01:00:15 EDT 2020







A Message from the Future II: The Years of Repair

“A Message From the Future II: The Years of Repair” is an animated short film that dares to dream of a future in which 2020 is a historic turning point, where the lessons of the Covid-19 pandemic and global uprisings against racism drive us to build back a better society in which no one is sacrificed and everyone is essential. 


The Social Dilemma

We tweet, we like, and we share— but what are the consequences of our growing dependence on social media? As digital platforms increasingly become a lifeline to stay connected, Silicon Valley insiders reveal how social media is reprogramming civilization by exposing what’s hiding on the other side of your screen. 








Uphold Indigenous Rights

“They’re using COVID-19 as a decoy to restart the economy at the cost of the environment, the waters, the animals, our livelihood,” - Grand Chief Jonathan Solomon of the Mushkegowuk Council. Conservatives want to reboot the economy by fast-tracking resource projects. When Doug Ford forced through Bill 197, he rolled back environmental laws and ignored treaty obligations. Multiple First Nations are suing him to uphold their constitutional rights and protect their land. Add your name and tell Doug Ford that Indigenous rights are not red tape.   


Doug Ford wants to ramp us gas power plants 300% in the next 5 years. 

Doug Ford's plan would blow us way past Ontario's climate targets. Over 44 citizen groups including Ontario Clean Air Alliance, in Ontario are calling for a phase out of gas-powered plants by 2030 -- add your name to the petition now:







Right to Housing in Toronto

While encampments have existed in Toronto’s public spaces for decades, encampment sites have increased across the city at a concerning rate since March 2020. This new report details concerns with the enforcement of the City’s laws and policies that relate to encampments during COVID-19, and the impact of the City’s approach on encampment residents and their human rights. The report also identifies tangible actions the City must take to uphold the rights of those living in encampments.







A Good War - Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency in Alberta

Mon. Oct. 5, 7 p.m. Mountain time

In his book, author Seth Klein explores how we can align our politics and economy with what the science says we must do to address the climate crisis. But he brings an original and uniquely hopeful take to this challenge, based on lessons we can draw from the Second World War, when Canada faced a similarly existential threat. According to Seth, Canada’s wartime experience provides an inspirational reminder that we have done this before. We have mobilized in common cause across class, race and gender, and entirely retooled our economy in the space of a few short years. Join us for an evening of music, a reading, author Q&A, and a panel discussion with local climate emergency activists. 





Unearthing Justices Webinar 

Monday, October 5, 2 pm EST

Many reports have documented how the police and criminal justice system have been either absent or destructive in Indigenous communities and lives. The Unearthing Justices Resource Collection is a resource of 500+ Indigenous grassroots initiatives in support of the MMIWG2S+ people. It shows the strength and resource that exists in Indigenous communities and the many facets of what justice is and needs.

Watch Live: 





Winterize Your Lawn and Garden

Tues. Oct. 6, noon - 1 p.m. EST

>From lawn care and leaf clean-up, to preparing for next year’s garden beds – learn what to do this fall to give your lawn and garden a head start next spring. You will leave this workshop with a plan for a healthy, beautiful yard. 





Energy Efficiency Day 

Wed. October 7

Using energy more efficiently represents the lowest cost and most abundant energy resource in Canada. Recognizing this through sound policy-making can drive economic growth, stable jobs, healthier homes and lead the fight against global climate change. Ask your political representatives to celebrate energy efficiency with you by sending them a letter here.





The myth of Canada the Good: Why settlers need to understand the Indian Act now

Wed. Oct. 7, 6 p.m. EST

This workshop looks at the relationship between Indigenous peoples and settlers over the last 500 years with a focus on the history and philosophies which informed – and continue to inform - the Indian Act today. We will consider the “Myth of Canada the Good” through the lens of the assumptions that shaped the Indian Act in the 1800s, and continue to impact Indigenous and settler populations today. We will reflect on how key documents, such as the Royal Proclamation of 1763, the 1867 BNA Act, the 1876 Indian Act, and the 1982 Human Rights Code impacted the current system of government and control, which continues to deeply impact Status Indians - and our relationships with settlers - right through to the present.





How to Phone Bank for Toronto

Wednesday, October 7, 6 - 8:30 p.m. EST

As City Council debates housing, transit, and funding for key public services, now is the time for us to demand greater investments in our communities. At Progress Toronto we know if enough of us act and put pressure on the Mayor and City Council, we can push them to build a better city that is livable for everyone.  That is why phone banking to help people take action is so important. This is something you can do safely from home. 





Modernizing EI - Some Wins, What's Next? - ACORN Virtual Action

Wednesday October 7, 1 pm EST

Organizing works, and thanks to organizations across the country, including ACORN, new legislation was passed last week to make EI better and continue COVID support benefits. But these changes will remain only for a year, and there are still half a million people in Canada who received CERB but won’t qualify for any of the new programs/benefits, such as migrant workers, and part time workers who have a partial layoff that is less than 50%. Join ACORN for a virtual action to call on the Federal government to make changes to EI permanent and continue improving access + benefit levels with EI and COVID benefit supports. No one should be left behind!

Join on your smartphone / computer or Dial in on your cellphone / landline by calling 647 558 0588 and enter meeting ID 811 1175 2462 followed by #.





Trump’s Shock Election Politics - And How To Fight What He Does Next

Wed. Oct. 7, 7 - 8:30 p.m. Est

Naomi Klein in conversation with Johann Hari about to fight back against Trump's shock politics — and for a fundamentally different world. 





Steering Societies Beyond GDP to the SDGs with Hazel Henderson and Vicki Robin

Thu, Oct 8, 1:15 - 2:15 p.m. EDT

Ecological economist and futurist Hazel Henderson will address how the UN SDGs (sustainable development goals) can and should replace GDP as the basis for valuing society leading to an economy based on planet protection and human wellbeing. GDP accounts for all the public expenditures as “debt” while ignoring the value of the assets they created. If GDP were to be corrected by including the missing asset account, these debt-to-GDP ratios would be cut by up to 50% --- with a few keystrokes! 





Water Ambassador Workshop - Start a climate change conversation with your community and networks

Thur. Oct. 8, noon - 1 p.m. EST

During this community action workshop, learn more about protecting the Great Lakes, why they matter, and how they are in danger. And find out how you can take action and make a difference within your local networks and communities. We will be offering some easy, yet effective, ideas that will help you get started.





The Relevance of the French Revolution, and the Paris Commune of 1871

Thursday, October 8,  7 p.m.  

ith Cliff Conner, author of “Jean-Paul Marat: Tribune of the French Revolution”.






Life of a Tree

Thur. Oct. 8, 6:30 - 8 p.m. EST

Trees are all around us, but we can overlook the amazing things they do for us every day. Learn about the life cycle of trees and what features can help you decipher a tree’s identity. We will also introduce you to keystone and interesting species that you can find in your neighbourhood. 





Ontario Day of Action on Long-Term Care

Thur. Oct. 8, 9:30 a.m. at Queens Park, Toronto and 11 a.m. around the province

Join the Day of Action to create political pressure to expose the lack of action to improve care in long-term care and to push for an end to for-profit privatization of long-term care.





Toronto Rally to Support Six Nations Land Defenders at 1492 Land Back Lane

Fri. Oct. 9, 3 - 5 p.m.

Queens Park (College and University)

On October 9th, the land defenders of 1492 Land Back Lane will be appearing in Ontario's court to defend against the province's injunction. Come out to support Indigenous land defenders against the colonial legal system. 

Toronto rally: 

Legal expenses fundraiser:  






For the best Canadian climate and energy news, read and subscribe to the Energy Mix newsletter                          


And for the best global climate perspective: DESMOG - Clearing the PR Pollution that clouds climate science   


Democracy Now Daily Show - my source for global peace, justice and enviro news   





Submissions, subscribes, unsubscribes, and comments: angela at 


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