Greenspiration News & Events: Cities Alive

Angela Bischoff - OCAA angela at
Mon Oct 19 10:21:26 EDT 2020


Why is the federal government funding new nuclear power reactors? 


Prime Minister Trudeau and Minister Jordan: Protect the treaty rights of the Mi'kmaq 


Tell the federal government to create a comprehensive single-use plastic ban list


Ultra-rich Canadians should pay their share of the #JustRecovery


Stop investing the Canada Pension Plan in fossil fuels


Environmental Organizations Propose a Canadian Climate Accountability Act 


Petition to oppose the proposed Pickering Airport


Petition to call for the immediate dismantlement of the Pickering Nuclear Station after shutdown in 2024 rather than let the station sit idle for 30 years before dismantlement.


Lane Change: Safer Cycling Infrastructure in Toronto

City Building Ryerson recently undertook a study that applies a public health lens to estimate the injury impacts of various cycling infrastructure designs along Toronto's Bloor-Danforth corridor. The study quantifies the injuries and fatalities that could be prevented by fully separated cycle tracks along Bloor-Danforth, and offers insights to inform the City’s ActiveTO program and further cycling network expansion. In brief, the results concluded that these lanes save lives.





Planet in Focus International Environmental Film Festival

Oct. 14 - 23

Incredible line up of films. $30 festival pass. Watch from home.      





EcoFair Toronto

October 15 - November 8          

The 2020 EcoFair will be online this year, featuring webinars, films, workshops and an exhibitor showcase that will all happen online over 4 weeks, as well as EcoTours that will be coming to neighbourhoods near you. Every week attend an informative webinar, watch an entertaining film, and participate in a workshop on a different theme each week.

· Carbon Countdown Oct 15-18 featuring the film 2040

· Waste Not Oct 22-25 featuring the film Microplastic Madness

· Active & Healthy Oct 29-Nov 1 featuring the film Bicycle

· EcoEconomy Nov 5-8 featuring the film Kiss the Ground 





2040 - documentary film

Oct 15 - Nov 8

Concerned about his young daughter's future, filmmaker Damon Gameau travels the world in search of new approaches and solutions to climate change. Gameau's film imagines what our world could look like in 2040 if we took existing solutions and scaled them up now.  #2040film #WhatsYour2040 #JoinTheRegeneration


Watch the entire film for free Oct 15 – Nov 8 as part of the EcoFair 





Rendezvous With Madness Festival

October 15 – 25

The Rendezvous with Madness Festival is the first and largest arts and mental health festival in the world. Using art as the entry point to illuminate and investigate the realities and mythologies surrounding mental illness and addiction, Rendezvous With Madness’ 2020 programming spotlights the human capacity for endurance in the face of great challenges.  As community members are feeling the emotional effects of months of isolation, income precarity, and anxiety over what the future holds, the Rendezvous With Madness Festival offers a unique opportunity to come together in reflection and discussion.    


Judy Versus Capitalism

Judy Rebick is a seminal, local Toronto feminist figure on the forefront of the Pro-choice movement in Canada since the 1970s, who went on to head the biggest women’s organization in Canada in the 1990s while wrestling with her own personal triumphs and tragedies. This reverent, experimental portrait of an iconic Toronto figure touches on her struggles with mental health and childhood traumas as she becomes a pivotal figure in Canada’s progressive movements. Available through Oct. 25.





The Gigatonne Challenge

October 19-30 | November 9-20 | December 7-18Online | 2 Weeks | Advanced

A radical new leadership programme for those wanting to take meaningful action. Join us to learn how to deliver equitable, effective solutions to our greatest challenges, using the climate crisis as a live example of how you can make an impact. This course takes place live online over two weeks. Learn to become a better leader with hundreds of other students from all over the world. 





How to Speak at a Government Committee

Monday, October 19, 6 - 8 p.m.

Join Progress Toronto and the Toronto Youth Cabinet on Monday, October 19 for this workshop where you will learn the basics of making a deputation. You will learn how to choose which committee to speak at, how to read the committee agenda, how to sign up for a deputation, and how to prepare your deputation (speech). 





Neoliberalism: If there is no alternative, how can it be over?

Mon. Oct. 19, 2 -3 p.m. EST

Unlimited money supplies. Budget deficits not seen since WWII. Trade wars not seen since the Great Depression. None of these current phenomena fits into the neoliberal playbook. And yet, thinking about the end of neoliberalism and possible alternatives to it seems next to impossible. This presentation addresses the following questions: What is neoliberalism? Why is it so hard to think about alternatives? How can we make sense of the current form of capitalism? 





Canadian Foreign Policy under Trudeau Regime

Monday, October 19, 8 pm EST

Canadian Foreign policy commentator Yves Engler will critically examine Canada's role in the global imperialist project. Engler is a Montreal-based writer and political activist. Engler has produced a significant literature on Canadian Foreign policy, with eleven published books. 





Canada Pension Plan's massive fossil fuel investments

Recent reports and media have revealed the Canada Pension Plan's massive investments in risky fossil fuel companies that are undermining the transition to a zero-carbon economy and using billions of dollars from our national pension fund to finance oil, gas and coal. The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is holding two weeks of legislatively-mandated public meetings, with one scheduled for each province (other than Quebec). Canadians can register for the meetings and submit questions live or in advance by email or video. They can also send questions to the meetings using this Leadnow action tool. You can read more about the CPP's approach to climate change and investments in fossil fuels in this CPP toolkit.  

Learn more, sign the petition, and attend the public meetings:

Mon. Oct. 19, noon in New Brunswick

Mon. Oct. 19, noon in BC

Tues. Oct. 20, noon in Nova Scotia 

Tues. Oct. 20, 11 a.m., noon and 1 p.m in Nunavut, Yukon and NWT  





Toronto Solidarity Rally and Round Dance for Mi'kmaq Fishers

Tues. Oct. 20, 3:45 - 5 p.m.

Dundas Square (Yonge and Dundas)

Stand with Treaty 1752 and Mi'Kmaq Fishers! Join us in condemning the racist attacks and acts of terrorist violence against Mi'Kmaq people.   





Surviving Autocracy

Tues. Oct. 20, 8 p.m. EST

Written after the 2016 US presidential election, and drawing on what they had seen happen under Vladimir Putin, Gessen's Surviving Autocracy is an analysis of the destruction the Trump administration has waged on our institutions, and our very sense of identity, and sketches out a dark vision of a nation in which a fragile democracy can quickly erode into one-man rule. With authors Masha Gessen with Anand Giridharadas   





Zero Waste Cafe, Fashion Edition

Tues. Oct. 20, 6 - 8 p.m. EDT

A panel discussion on the "Philosophy Behind Sustainable Fashion" 





Green Energy Doors Open - Ontario

Tues. Oct. 20, 10 a.m. - noon EST 





The pivot toward parks: How can we sustain creative activation of our public spaces beyond the pandemic?

Tues. Oct. 20, 1 - 2 p.m. EST

COVID-19 showed us how space, resources and power can be reallocated to create new possibilities for our parks and public spaces. Community-led projects have helped parks pivot toward serving food security, active transportation, arts and local businesses - like never before. What are the practical implications of reimagining parks’ role in communities? What systems do we need to reimagine in order for us to build parks back better?





Cities Alive conference

October 20 - 23

Green Roofs for Healthy Cities and the Green Infrastructure Foundation have teamed up to bring you this virtual conference, combining world class speakers in the field of living architecture and green infrastructure with award winning project videos and selected in person tours. 





Debunking the myths around Small Modular Reactors

Wed. Oct. 21, 2 p.m. EST

Small “Mythical” Reactors, also known as small modular reactors, or, more properly, small modular nuclear reactors, are uneconomical, years away from implementation, don’t answer the climate crisis or jobs needs, and come with the same inherent risks and radioactive waste problems as the current large reactors. Yet the nuclear industry, governments and the media continue to embrace them as something “new” and beneficial. Hear from the experts on how to debunk the SMR myths.   





There's Something in The Water - Screening + Discussion

Wed. Oct. 21, 6 p.m. EST

Join us for an online screening of the documentary There's Something in the Water, hosted by producer Dr. Ingrid Waldron and the David Suzuki Foundation. Followed by a panel discussion on environmental racism moderated by Sherry Yano from the David Suzuki Foundation. 





Digital Campaigning 101   

Wednesday, October 21, 7 - 9 p.m. EST

Join Progress Toronto and to learn the basics of digital campaigning, what digital campaigning can achieve, and how to create digital strategies. 





Trump-Biden Uncovered: What Will the U.S. Election Results Mean to Canada and the World?

Wed. Oct 21, 7 - 8 p.m. EST

Join us as we unpack the U.S. election with a star-studded panel of Canadian and American voices on the major issues at play in the 2020 presidential race. Just 13 days before the November 3rd election date, this event is sure to be your Canadian primer for all that will ensue in the days ahead.   





UNSCR 1325 at 20 Years: Perspectives from Feminist Peace Activists

Wed. Oct. 21, 9 - 10:30 a.m. EST

There are ten Women, Peace and Security resolutions, many frameworks for gender equality, and countless commitments by member states, but we still live in a world with war and violence, where women and girls are disproportionately affected. Women are leading the way for peace in their communities, whether through early warning systems, peace processes, or advocating for human rights to education and livelihood. Join women leaders and peace activists from Australia, Colombia, Libya, Nigeria, and Sweden as they share their experiences advocating for peace and human security in their communities. 





Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency: How proportional representation can help - with Seth Klein

Wednesday, October 21, 7 pm

What do proportional representation and citizens' assemblies have to do with climate change? In this webinar hosted by Fair Vote Toronto, Seth Klein will discuss:

- the political obstacles that have undermined concerted climate action since scientists first warned of the climate crisis close to 40 years ago

- what lessons we can learn from what Canada achieved during the Second World War, when our country faced a different kind of existential threat

- and what role proportional representation and citizens' assemblies can play in producing climate solutions





Leading the Way to Carbon Neutrality: The Nordics

Wed. Oct. 21, noon ?

How does the Nordic region lead the race to carbon neutrality?





Big Oil's Big Reckoning

Thur. Oct. 22, noon - 2 p.m. EST

Growing carbon emissions; thousands of abandoned wells; huge unpaid municipal taxes; a shrinking workforce: the liabilities from Canada’s oil patch keep adding up. Regulators are even debating dumping toxic wastewater back into the Athabasca River. Despite all this, the oil lobby insists that what is good for oil is good for Canada, and will be for years to come. And, they spend millions in lobbying and misleading advertising every year. The Alberta government has even launched multiple initiatives designed to silence critics of the industry. Join us as our panel looks at Big Oil’s biggest myths, and how we can untangle ourselves from their plans.





Steering Societies Beyond GDP to the SDGs 

Thur. Oct 22, 1:15 - 2:15 p.m. EDT

Ecological economist and futurist Hazel Henderson will address how the UN SDGs (sustainable development goals) can and should replace GDP as the basis for valuing society leading to an economy based on planet protection and human wellbeing. GDP accounts for all the public expenditures as “debt” while ignoring the value of the assets they created. Learn why money isn't what you think it is and why that matters to life on Earth in this webinar with Claudine Schneider. She is a former Republican U.S. representative from Rhode Island. She is founder of Republicans for Integrity. 





Rosa Luxemburg and the Revolutionary Party

Thursday, October 22,  7 p.m.  

With Stephen Ellis, veteran socialist, plus discussants John Riddell, author of several books on the Communist International in the 1920s, and Emre Sahin, a history student based in Edmonton. Hosted bys Socialist Action - Canada 





Canada's silence on India's colonization of Kashmir

Thur. Oct. 22, 8 p.m. EST

Kashmir is one of the world’s longest outstanding international conflicts. The world’s most militarized zone is under a serious threat of demographic change that is aimed at altering the final resolution of the disputed territory. With the introduction of the new Domicile Law by the government of India on March 31,2020, the project of intentional demographic change, in clear violation of international law, is underway. There is urgency for the international community to intervene as the Indian Government claims it has already issued close to two million Domicile certificates to non-Kashmiris, a step that has grave implications for the final resolution of the issue of Kashmir. Hosted by Canadian Foreign Policy Institute and other groups. 





Clearing the Air 

Thur. Oct. 22, 7 – 8:30 p.m. 

Can we save lives with electric vehicles? Plus the results of the Guelph Attitudes on EVs Survey. Webinar. 





Environmental Assessment is Not Red Tape – A Primer on Recent Changes in Ontario

Thur. Oct 22, 1 - 2 p.m. EDT

The provincial government has recently made sweeping changes to environmental assessment (EA) law in Ontario, ending long-standing public safeguards designed to protect the environment and our health. These changes have serious and alarming impacts for Ontarians: not only do they restrict the applicability of EA processes to new projects and developments, but they also increase uncertainty about how new projects will be reviewed. Join CELA for this free one-hour primer that will provide an overview of the key changes, discuss the proposed EA project list regulation currently posted on the EBR Registry for public comment, and let you know what you can do to push back against these reforms. 





Waste Not: Home Energy

Thur. Oct. 22, 7 - 9 p.m. EST

Panel discussion on ways to cut home energy waste, shrink our monthly bills & make the planet safer.





Microplastic Madness - Film Screening 

Thur. - Sat. Oct. 23 - 25

Watch a Grade 5 class as they investigate plastic pollution. This film will inspire kids, and lift adults from their climate crisis despair.





Composting Made Easy

Friday, October 23, 10:30 to 11:45 a.m. NFL

Join us to discuss fall prep for your compost bin as well as a few tips to keep your backyard bin happy during the winter. The benefits of backyard composting are wide spread – it helps our gardens grow and most importantly it reduces our impact on the environment. 





Rally! Expropriate 214-230 Sherbourne!

Saturday October 24, 11am

Allan Gardens

For the 11th year in a row 214-230 Sherbourne sits empty. It should be social housing! We have a plan:  In 2019, we showed the City of Toronto how 260 units of publicly-owned rent-geared-to-income housing could be built on this land. Join us to demand the city expropriate 214-230 Sherbourne now! Winter is coming. No More Homeless Deaths. 





Ontario Health Coalition Annual Action Assembly 

Saturday, October 24, 9 am - 2:30 pm EST

At our annual assembly we set our action plan and strategy for the year. We also provide a mini-conference on the top priority issues. Please Register and choose which sessions you would like to participant in here: 





Sustainable Textile Teach-In: Creative Mending and Repair

Sat. Oct. 24, 2 - 3:30 p.m. EST

Discover visible mending! Learn low cost & creative ways to repair clothing & textiles inspired by the Japanese technique - Sashiko Mending





Home Efficiency Retrofit Orientation Workshop

Sat. Oct. 24, 10 a.m. - noon EST

This two-hour no-cost, capacity building workshop is focused on engaging homeowners and people interested in home energy retrofits to understand and incorporate best residential energy conservation practices to improve home comfort, resilience, GHG reductions, and energy costs.





Smash racism! How did Greek anti-fascists take down Nazi Golden Dawn?

With special guest speaker: Petros Constantinou - Athens city councillor and coordinator of Keerfa - The United Movement Against Racism and the Fascist Threat in Greece

Sunday, October 25, 1 pm EST

The Greek fascist organization Golden Dawn was recently declared a criminal organization and has been shut down. This is a great victory for anti-racist forces globally but it would not have happened without the mobilization of thousands of anti-fascists. Hear from the coordinator of KEERFA the anti-fascist movement about how they were able to shut down one of the largest fascist groups in Europe. 

Brought to you by the International Socialists. 





Tiny plastic, colossal problem: what we can do now - Film Discussion 

Sun. Oct. 25, 4 - 5:30 p.m.

Join us at this panel discussion for an interactive Q&A about the fun, family-friendly film "Microplastic Madness".

Watch the film: 





For the best Canadian climate and energy news, read and subscribe to the Energy Mix newsletter    


And for the best global climate perspective: DESMOG - Clearing the PR Pollution that clouds climate science  


Democracy Now Daily Show - my source for global peace, justice and enviro news  





Submissions, subscribes, unsubscribes, and comments: angela at


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