Greenspiration News & Events: There's still time

Angela Bischoff - OCAA angela at
Mon May 15 10:45:01 EDT 2023


Cyclone Exxon: Massive Storm Hits Refugee Camps in Myanmar, Bangladesh 

“It’s called Cyclone Mocha, but it might as well be called Cyclone Exxon or Cyclone Chevron—they were among the companies that ignored the clear evidence of pending climate crisis and kept pushing their product till the Bay of Bengal was a hot tub,” Bill McKibben


The Far North Is Burning—and Turning Up the Heat on the Planet

Wildfires and human meddling are transforming the Arctic and its surroundings from a carbon sink into a carbon emitter, exacerbating the climate crisis.


Extreme heat increases health threat, new wildfire sparks in Alberta

This year’s fires have collectively consumed nearly half a million hectares of land through May 11, which is more than seven-and-a-half times the total land burned by wildfires through this point in the year over the past five seasons combined. 12 degrees above normal temp. 1% of Alberta's boreal forests lost in recent weeks to 400 forest fires.  


There’s Still Time to Avoid Climate Catastrophe - by David Suzuki

We’re constantly told that quickly transitioning from coal, oil and gas is not realistic and that renewables aren’t ready to replace them, and that we need expensive, unproven or dangerous methods like nuclear and carbon capture and storage. But those claims ignore the rapid pace at which renewable energy and storage technologies have been advancing — and dropping in price.


Sweden’s Shift to Heat Pumps Holds Lessons for Canada

While Sweden's switch to heat pumps reduced their emissions from the building sector 95%, in 2021 heat pumps supplied only 6% of the Canada's residential heating. Sweden's ace was a carbon tax that raised the price of heating oil.


Nuclear Waste: The Questions Multiply 

Recording of presentation by Dr. Gordon Edwards


Canada’s radioactive waste and decommissioning policy is a failure

Canada’s new radioactive waste and decommissioning policy ignores Indigenous rights, public input and international safety standards. 


No, nuclear power isn’t the ‘big bazooka’ climate fix you might think

Germany’s exit from nuclear power on April 15 situates Germany firmly within the global mainstream: ever more countries are abandoning or scaling back their nuclear power programs, including the US. Germany, and all of Europe, is building out renewable energy, smart grids, electric vehicles, and energy storage facilities at breakneck pace to eliminate fossil fuels and nuclear from its energy supply.


Atomic Bamboozle: An Industry of Lies

Nuclear power is not an answer to climate change. It is just another way for those with money and power to expand what they already have while leaving the toxic waste for future generations to deal with.


Resolution Affirms Links between Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Power

In order to fully abolish nuclear weapons, we also must stop the parallel process of nuclear power. 


We Need a Cap on Pollution

Now is the time for our government to stand up to industry pressure and deliver what Canadians want: a strong, fair emissions cap that makes fossil fuel companies take responsibility for their pollution. Send a letter here.


The Climate Emergency Unit: Strategies for Effective Climate Action - recording with Seth Klein 


Gas Plants Are Coming to Ontario! How We Can Stop Them, and Build a Clean Energy Future - recording


Surviving Antidepressants 

Please support my friend's Antidepressant Safety Tour by donating to his GoFundMe campaign


How to stop the Russian invasion of Ukraine - 36 sec. video







Public Pharmacare Now! A town hall hosted by Avi Lewis

Monday, May 15, 7 p.m. ET

Davenport Perth Neighbourhood Community Health Centre, 1900 Davenport Rd, Toronto

Join us for this town hall to consider how we can turn the dream of a public, universal drug plan that gives access to prescription drugs for all into a reality. 





Local Resiliency: What Does it Mean for You?

Mon. May 15, 2 p.m. ET

Local governments are grappling with how to respond to the impacts of climate change and plan for future risks. Increases in the frequency and severity of natural hazard events, such as floods and wildfires, are upending how municipalities do land use planning, infrastructure projects and emergency preparedness. Resilience and adaptation are terms often used in this context - but what do they mean, especially at the local level? 





Toronto Mayoral Debate: Tackling the Affordability Crisis 

Mon. May 15, 7 - 9 p.m. ET

Livestreamed and in person at the Daily Bread Food Bank

How do Toronto mayoral candidates plan to tackle the city’s key issues of affordability, food insecurity, poverty, and more?

debate on Toronto's Affordability Crisis hosted by The Daily Bread Food Bank





Ring of Fire: A threat to Climate Change?

Tues. May 16, 7 p.m. ET

More than 1,000 kms north of Toronto lies a massive potential mining area known as the Ring of Fire. Situated in the James and Hudson Bay lowlands, it stores five times more carbon per hectare than the Amazon rainforest. It also contains the second largest peatland and third largest wetland in the world. For thousands of years it has provided nourishment, culture, home and a livelihood to Indigenous communities. And over that same time, it has become one of the world’s largest climate change fighting stores of carbon. At what cost will we mine the Ring of Fire? 





Tritium and Nuclear Power: Don't Dump It!

Tues. May 16, 10 a.m. ET

What is tritium? Why is it harmful? What damage can it do in our environment and how does it get into the food chain and into our bodies? And are there alternatives to releasing it? Outrage has been voiced from around the world at Japan’s plan to dump more than one million tonnes of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean, contaminated mainly with tritium. But in the US, water contaminated with tritium could soon be dumped into Cape Cod Bay in Massachusetts from the closed Pilgrim nuclear power plant, and into New York’s Hudson River from the decommissioning Indian Point nuclear power plant.  





Safe Streets. Saving Lives and Advancing Equity

Tues. May 16, 11 a.m. - noon ET

Ryan Sharp of Hoboken, NJ; Allison Schwartz and/or Bradley Topol, Seattle, Washington, USA 





Let This Radicalize You 

Tues. May 16, 6:30 p.m. ET

Longtime organizers and movement educators Mariame Kaba and Kelly Hayes examine some of the political lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the convergence of mass protest and mass formations of mutual aid, and consider what this confluence of power can teach us about a future that will require mass acts of care, rescue and defense, in the face of both state violence and environmental disaster. Virtual Book Launch. 





The role of the journalist in critical public discourse

Tues. May 16, 6 p.m. ET

Charbonnel Lounge, St. Michael's College, 81 St Mary St, Elmsley Hall, U of Toronto

A special talk with Philippine ABS-CBN broadcast journalist and McLuhan Award for Investigative Journalism Karmina Constantino. Revisiting the basics: The role of the journalist in critical public discourse and in seeking accountability in a post-truth era.  





All Hands on Deck: Working Together to Protect Habitat and Species in Lake Ontario

Wed. May 17, noon ET

Learn about the successes and challenges in protecting habitat and species in Lake Ontario as well as restoration efforts to protect Lake Sturgeon—Lake Ontario’s oldest and largest native fish species. 





Birder Brain: Birding and Mental Health

Wed May 17, 7 - 8 pm ET

Location: Downsview Public Library 

Kelly-Sue found birding as a way to practice self-care, grounding, meditation and mindfulness. Diagnosed with an auto-immune, C-PTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Syndrome), ADHD (attention deficit disorder) Anxiety, Depression, and other health issues experienced by many, she was inspired to share her love of birding and its healing benefits with others. As the Director of Birder Brain she aims to share tips on how to use birding to improve your own mental and physical health, as well as share the stories and experiences of others. 





Impacts of Proposed Provincial Planning Statement: Lunch, Learn & Take Action

Wed. May 17, noon ET

Please join Ontario Farmland Trust to learn about the impacts of the new Proposed Provincial Planning Statement: Lot Creation Policies and how you can take action for agriculture and the environment.  





Tune-In for a Better Toronto

Thur. May 18, 7:30 pm ET - Late

The Great Hall, 1087 Queen W. Toronto

Join us for a night of finding joy in music, art, and community focused on the Toronto we could become. We are coming up to a once in a decade opportunity to reshape Toronto’s future. Imagine a city where music and arts thrive, where we care for our most vulnerable, and where real action on climate change is taken. Green Majority Radio, in partnership with CIUT 89.5FM, The Grind, and The Green Line are bringing together incredible musical talent, artists, and community organizations to put together a night of joy in envisioning a Toronto we can all be proud to call home. 





Climate Tic Talk Circle 

Thur. May 18, 7 - 8:30 p.m. ET

Are you experiencing societal grief, anxiety, trauma about global climate change and covid 19? We offer emotional support for people working in service to climate safety. No prep, no advice, come as you are. We look forward to welcoming you into our circle for the first time or the tenth time! Free, peer-to-peer. 





Transnational Dialogue on Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants: New England (USA) and NW Russia

Fri. May 19, 10 a.m. ET

Civil society organizations from the US and Russia are co-hosting a US-Russian People-to-People mini-conference to explore the environmental hazards and opportunities of decommissioning nuclear power plants. Our transnational dialogue also aims to show that, when civil society and concerned citizens work together across borders and geopolitical strife, our safety and our environment can only benefit along with the planet we all share. 





Ontario Place Rally

Mon. May 22, 1 - 4 p.m. ET

Trillium Park

Ontario Place must be for ALL and kept publicly accessible.


What Does The Future Hold For Ontario Place? | The Agenda


12 reasons for not removing the Ontario Science Centre from Don Mills





Climate Crisis: Voices of Protection

Mon. May 22, 2 p.m. ET

On the U.S. Gulf Coast, communities are fighting planned fossil fuel mega-projects that threaten to destroy their local environment – while pushing the world closer to climate breakdown. By sensing into specific struggles in Louisiana and Texas, we explore how developing a greater awareness of our interconnectedness in the face of the climate crisis can empower meaningful action.





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