Greenspiration News: Why we Occupy

Angela Bischoff greenspi at
Sun Oct 16 13:37:09 EDT 2011

Greenspiration News
“Get a bicycle. You will not regret it, if you live.”  - Mark Twain, from essay “Taming the Bicycle”

"Why does our economic system place a higher value on disposable and often unnecessary goods and services than on the things we really need to survive and be healthy, like clean air, clean water, and productive soil?" – David Suzuki on why the Occupy protests matter

Occupy Wall Street FAQ
1000 cities around the world are participating in the Occupy Movement! To find out about an event near you go to: or Watch live streams: Occupy Streams

The Media Co-op has launched a platform to cover Occupy actions across Canada. Go to for coverage of the movement across the country and to upload stories and photos from Occupy actions in your own community. 

99% vs. 1% -- The Latest on Occupy Wall St. Movement: 853 Cities, Occupy Philly Inspires, Media Coverage Improves

Occupy Together – Compilation of short videos/statements on the Occupy Wall Street movement – David Korten, Naomi Klein, Bill McKibbon, Chris Hedges, Michael Moore and more.
10 Things to Know About Wall Street's Rapacious Attack on America

First ‘Official’ Statement From the Occupy Wall Street Movement
Occupy Wall Street: The Most Important Thing in the World Now - by Naomi Klein

Conservatives Trying to Sabotage the 99 Percent Movement - Over the weekend, an assistant editor with the right-wing magazine "The American Spectator” bragged that he infiltrated a group of protestors as they marched to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum on Saturday and that he was at the forefront of provoking the police to respond violently.  The group was protesting  the museum’s unmanned drone exhibition – and were pepper sprayed after a confrontation with museum security.   Patrick Howley – the right-wing editor whose only intention was – as he put it in an article he published later - “to mock and undermine” the movement, was one of the first to taunt and confront the Museum's police.
Double blow: Canada's environmental record slammed by auditor, Europeans - In case any of you have been worried, Env. Minister Peter Kent provided a crucial clarification today: "Our government has not given up on the environment," Kent said Tuesday. Phew.
Paying the Price: the Economic Impacts of Climate Change for Canada - We found that the costs of impacts could range from $5 billion per year in 2020 to between $21 billion and $43 billion per year in 2050.  There are also risks that costs could be much higher – for example, there is a 5% chance of costs exceeding $91B per year in the 2050s.
Five Falsehoods About 'Ethical Oil' - ENERGY & EQUITY: Morality doesn't guide the crude brotherhood, never did. By Andrew Nikiforuk
Suncor/PetroCanada Must Stop Fueling Syrian Repression - Email or call Suncor CEO Richard George, letting him know you expect Suncor to immediately end its partnership with the Assad regime and close operations in Syria:
Email: invest at or media at or sef at or info at or Tel.: 403-296-8000.

Prozac Turned Teen into Murderer  - Judge declares that the antidepressant caused a stimulant-like syndrome leading to manic-like behavior, suicidality and violence

New Economy Barter Markets The antithesis of globalization.  6 minute video
Saving energy will lead to prosperity - It costs Ontario up to 94% less to save a kilowatt hour of electricity than to provide it by building new nuclear plants – by Jack Gibbons, Chair of OCAA

Wiebo’s War hits Canadian theatres this week. Wiebo’s War tells the story of a man at war with the oil and gas industry. Wiebo Ludwig is the prime suspect in a series of pipeline bombings near his family’s farm, near Hythe, Alberta. The bombings echo a campaign of sabotage he waged against the gas industry 10 years ago: barricading roads, blowing up wells, and culminating in the unsolved death of a 16-year-old girl. The Ludwig family lives according to strict religious values. They are self-sufficient in food and energy, but isolated, with 7 unmarried adult children, and 38 grandchildren, many entering their teenage years. Ottawa, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto. Locations/dates here:

Longstanding Federal Partnership with Canadian Environmental Network Terminated
Send a letter to your Member of Parliament demanding support for environmental civil society.


Eulogies and Condolences for Tooker
and Stories of ecology and activism
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